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Final Memo: Turning the Science of Connectivity into Action: Finding Model Consistency and Identifying Priority Habitats for Conservation


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Climate change is already affecting biodiversity, in particular shifting the ranges of species as they move to cooler places. One problem for wildlife as their ranges shift is that their path is often impeded by habitat fragmentation. Because of this, the most common recommended strategy to protect wildlife as climate changes is to connect their habitats, providing them safe passage. In partnership with South Atlantic LCC members, we previously assessed current and projected connectivity for three species (black bear [Ursus americanus], Rafinesque’s big‐eared bat [Corynorhinus rafinesquii], timber rattlesnake [Crotalus horridus]) that inhabit bottomland hardwoods throughout the southeastern US. We observed large variation in connectivity [...]


Author :
Nick Haddad

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Southeast CASC

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