Drew, G.S., Schoen, S.K., Hood, M.D., Arimitsu, M.L., and Piatt, J.F., 2005, North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database (NPPSD) (ver 4.1, May 2023): U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/F7WQ01T3.
The North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database (NPPSD) is maintained by the USGS Alaska Science Center and includes survey transect data designed and conducted by numerous partners primarily to census seabirds at sea. The data provided here relate to observations of marine birds and mammals observed during at-sea surveys throughout the North Pacific including the Arctic Ocean, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, and Barents Sea. This data release contains 5 tables including observation data, survey locations, taxonomic designations of observed birds and mammals, summary information about each dataset added to the database, and a table showing changes made to the database from version 4.0 to 4.1. Version History: First [...]
The North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database (NPPSD) is maintained by the USGS Alaska Science Center and includes survey transect data designed and conducted by numerous partners primarily to census seabirds at sea. The data provided here relate to observations of marine birds and mammals observed during at-sea surveys throughout the North Pacific including the Arctic Ocean, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, and Barents Sea. This data release contains 5 tables including observation data, survey locations, taxonomic designations of observed birds and mammals, summary information about each dataset added to the database, and a table showing changes made to the database from version 4.0 to 4.1.
Version History:
First release: August 2005
Revised: August 2015 (ver. 2.0)
Revised: February 2020 (ver. 3.0)
Revised: January 2023 (ver. 4.0)
Revised: May 2023 (ver. 4.1)
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Type: Related Primary Publication
Drew, G.S., Piatt, J.F., and Renner, M., 2015, User’s guide to the North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database 2.0: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1123, 52 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20151123
To provide information on the presence/absence, total numbers and densities, and spatial and temporal distribution of seabirds and marine mammals across the North Pacific Ocean. We have additional information from the equatorial Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.