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Evacuation clearance time estimations of short-notice, daytime distant-tsunami evacuations with capacity improvement scenarios.


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Henry, K.D., Peters, J., and Wood, N.J., 2020, Influence of demand and capacity in transportation simulations of short-notice, distant-tsunami evacuations: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Distant tsunamis require short-notice evacuations in coastal communities to minimize threats to life safety. Given the available time to evacuate and potential distances out of hazard zones, coastal transportation planners and emergency managers can expect large proportions of populations to evacuate using vehicles. A community-wide, short-notice, distant-tsunami evacuation is challenging because it creates a sudden, significant, and concentrated demand on road-network systems. Transportation planners and emergency managers need methods to help them determine if a road network can handle an evacuation surge and if not, where interventions can best reduce overall clearance times. We use the coastal community of Bay Farm Island (City [...]


Point of Contact :
Kevin D Henry
Process Contact :
Jeff Peters
Originator :
Kevin D Henry, Jeff Peters, Nathan J Wood
Metadata Contact :
Kevin D Henry
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Western Geographic Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Land Resources

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ClearanceTimes_Double_Capacity_Daytime.csv 2.22 KB text/csv


Data collected in support of journal article "Influence of demand and capacity in transportation simulations of short-notice, distant-tsunami evacuations"



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