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SAS Code: Estimating probabilities of detecting submersed aquatic vegetation species using a rake method may vary with biomass


Gray, B.R. 2021, SAS Code: Estimating probabilities of detecting submersed aquatic vegetation species using a rake method may vary with biomass: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The code files were used to analyze data used with the publication, "Probabilities of detecting submersed aquatic vegetation species using a rake method may vary with biomass," by Brian Gray. The study explored whether probabilities of species detections for four submerged aquatic vegetation species varied among sampling units in a rake-biomass study and, if so, whether such variation reflected variation in species abundance. Variation in detection probabilities, when unaddressed, yielded biased estimators of percent frequency of occurrence and of occurrence-habitat associations. The study found substantial among-unit variation in detection probabilities, and that majorities of that variation on the logit or modeling scale were associated [...]


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

create dataset pgamma-biomass distribute 4.96 KB application/x-sas
fit pgamma models distribute 17.33 KB application/x-sas
Gray 2020 biomass disclaimer.rtf 42.46 KB application/rtf
Gray 2020 biomass readme v3.rtf 54.25 KB application/rtf


  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)


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DOI doi:10.5066/P9ZM11FY

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