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Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in a section of Naranjito, Puerto Rico


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Baxstrom, K.W., Einbund, M.M., Schulz, W.H., 2021, Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in a section of Naranjito, Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Hurricane Maria caused widespread landsliding throughout Puerto Rico during September 2017. Previous detailed landslide inventories following the hurricane include Bessette-Kirton et al. (2017, 2019). Here we continue that work with an in-depth look at a portion of northwest Naranjito, which is a municipality in the northeastern part of the main island. To study a characteristic sample of landslides in Naranjito, we mapped all visible individual landslides in an approximately triangular area 2.3 km wide by 1.9 km long. The boundary of our mapping was defined by previous studies (Bessette-Kirton et al., 2019). We used aerial imagery collected between 9-15 October 2017 (Quantum Spatial, Inc., 2017) to map landslide source and runout [...]


Point of Contact :
Kelli W Baxstrom
Originator :
Kelli W Baxstrom
Metadata Contact :
GS WARC Data Steward
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Earthquake Hazards Program
USGS Mission Area :
Natural Hazards

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This mapping characterizes landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in a portion of Naranjito, Puerto Rico where landslides permeated a populated area. We mapped any landslides within the study area boundaries to assess the source and runout characteristics of landslides in this municipality.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9GBGA4I

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