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Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in two study areas in the Las Marías Municipality, Puerto Rico


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Einbund, M.M., Baxstrom, K.S., and Schulz, W.H., 2022, Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in two study areas in the Las Marías Municipality, Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


In late September 2017, intense precipitation associated with Hurricane Maria caused extensive landsliding across Puerto Rico. Much of the Las Marías municipality in central-western Puerto Rico was severely impacted by landslides. Landslide density in this region was mapped as greater than 25 landslides/km² (Bessette-Kirton et al., 2019). In order to better understand the controlling variables of landslide occurrence and runout in this region, two 2.5-km² study areas were selected, and all landslides within each area were mapped in detail using remote-sensing data. Included in the data release are five separate shapefiles: geographic areas representing the mapping extent of the two distinct areas (map areas, filename: map_areas), initiation [...]


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The purpose of this mapping was to characterize landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in the Las Marías municipality of Puerto Rico. Landslides were mapped in two 2.5 km² study areas in Las Marías, which included landslides mapped in both the upland plateau and steep dissected terrains to compare the role of regional geomorphology. From the mapping, spatial data was extracted with the goal of characterizing source and affected area geometries, geomorphic, and topographic settings, and the relationships between the variables.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9CBKFLX

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