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Peak Streamflow Data, Climate Data, and Results from Investigating Hydroclimatic Trends and Climate Change Effects on Peak Streamflow in the Central United States, 1921–2020


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Marti, M.K., Wavra, H.N., Over, T.M., Ryberg, K.R., Podzorski, H.L., and Chen, Y.R., 2024, Peak streamflow data, climate data, and results from investigating hydroclimatic trends and climate change effects on peak streamflow in the Central United States, 1921–2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Peak-flow frequency analysis is crucial in various water-resources management applications, including floodplain management and critical structure design. Federal guidelines for peak-flow frequency analyses, provided in Bulletin 17C, assume that the statistical properties of the hydrologic processes driving variability in peak flows do not change over time and so the frequency distribution of annual peak flows is stationary. Better understanding of long-term climatic persistence and further consideration of potential climate and land-use changes have caused the assumption of stationarity to be reexamined. This data release contains input data and results of a study investigating hydroclimatic trends in peak streamflow (peak flow) in [...]

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The data presented here was compiled to investigate hydroclimatic trends in peak streamflow in the Central United States. This data release contains the data used for the statistical analyses and results of that analysis in both tabular and visual formats.


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Streamflow data used in this study was compiled from the U.S. Geological Survey's Water Data for the Nation ( Climate data was compiled from Wieczorek and others, 2022 (

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9R71WWZ

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