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Geodatabase of oil and gas pads and roads within the Bureau of Land Management's Carlsbad Field Office administrative boundary, New Mexico


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Villarreal, M.L., Pierce, J., Waller, E.K., Chambers, S.N., Duniway, M.C., Fancher, T., Hannon, M.T., Montgomery, G.A., Rexer, K., Simonsen, J., Titolo, A.J., and Uncapher, R., 2023, Geodatabase of oil and gas pads and roads within the Bureau of Land Management's Carlsbad Field Office administrative boundary, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This database contains spatial data on the location, number, size and extent of energy-related surface disturbances within the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) administrative area. The BLM administers over 2 million acres of surface estate and 3 million acres of mineral estate in the southeastern portion of New Mexico. The BLM requires a thorough and comprehensive reasonable foreseeable development (RFD) scenario which quantifies the current and future potential of oil and gas resources and the necessary water use associated with those activities. The database includes: 1) polygons of oil and gas pads generated from automated and manual classification of aerial imagery, 2) polylines of roads derived from [...]


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The purpose of this database is to provide geospatial information to support the BLM in the development of a reasonable foreseeable development (RFD) scenario for oil and gas activities in the Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) administrative area. The data can be used for various aspects of the RFD and Resource Management Plan (RMP) process, including estimating potential water needs and effects of development on surface and groundwater resources, estimating potential direct and indirect effects of energy development on terrestrial ecosystems, assessing site potential and informing reclamation decisions in dryland systems, and analyzing different development scenarios and management alternatives.



  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9GKIPLH

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