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Grand, J.B., Flint, P.L., Petersen, M.R., Moran, C.L., 1998. Effect of lead poisoning on Spectacled Eider survival rates. Journal of Wildlife Management 62(3):1103-1109. https://doi.org/10.2307/3802564
Flint, P.L., Grand, J.B., Morse, J.A., Fondell, T.F., 2000. Late summer survival of adult female and juvenile spectacled eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Waterbirds 23(2):292-297.
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Flint, P.L., Grand, J.B., Petersen, M.R., Rockwell, R.F., 2016. Effects of lead exposure, environmental conditions, and metapopulation processes on population dynamics of Spectacled Eiders. North American Fauna 81(1):1-41. https://doi.org/10.3996/nafa.81.0001