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Idealized COAWST model for lock exchange problem


Publication Date


Kalra, T.S., and Warner, J.C., 2019, Idealized COAWST model cases for studying the comparison of physical to numerical mixing with different tracer advection schemes in estuarine environments: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The classic lock exchange problem is reproduced where in a sharp difference in fluid density leads to shear flow driven by the internal pressure gradient. The formation of sharp fronts is utilized to study the mixing properties of three different tracer advection schemes. The model results are intended to be accessed from the THREDDS data server available through the related external resources. The model NetCDF files are stored on this trusted digital repository to ensure backup and longevity of these data.


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“units file”
111.92 KB application/xml 955.78 MB application/x-netcdf 955.78 MB application/x-netcdf 955.78 MB application/x-netcdf


The lock exchange problem provides a simplified analaysis to study the mixing properties of numerical schemes with strong horizontal and vertical salinity gradients but without tidal or river forcing.

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Type Scheme Key
File Identifier file identifier gov.usgs.cmgp.whsc:Lock_exchange_problem
File Identifier file identifier gov.usgs.cmgp.whsc:Lock_exchange_problem
File Identifier file identifier gov.usgs.cmgp.whsc:Lock_exchange_problem

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