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Final Report: Effects of Drought on Soil Moisture and Water Resources in Hawai‘i


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Alan Mair, 2022-03-31, Final Report: Effects of Drought on Soil Moisture and Water Resources in Hawai‘i: .


Mid- and end-of-century climate projections for the Hawaiian Islands indicate that rainfall is projected to decrease across large areas. In areas affected by drought or where the future climate becomes drier, reduced groundwater recharge can affect freshwater availability. Reduced rainfall can also reduce soil moisture, which can increase the risk of wildfire. Cloud-water interception, or fog drip, is the process by which cloud-water droplets are captured on the leaves and branches of plants with some of the captured cloud water subsequently dripping to the ground. Studies in Hawaiʻi indicate that fog drip can contribute substantially to total precipitation and may have the potential to lessen the negative effects of drought or a drying [...]


Author :
Alan Mair, Delwyn S Oki
Funding Agency :
Pacific Islands CASC

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Pacific Islands CASC




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