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This dataset describes the hydrogeomorphic structure and lake-tributary mixing in three intermediate-sized Lake Michigan rivermouths: Ford River, Manitowoc River, and Pere Marquette River. Data were collected from May to October 2011. Water chemistry variables were measured with a multiparameter sonde along longitudinal, lateral, and vertical transects. Magnesium, boron, and stable water isotope concentrations were also determined from grab water samples at particular depths.
The code included here was used to analyze data from sediment incubations conducted using sediment cores collected from the Fox and Duck rivermouths (near Green Bay, Lake Michigan).
This dataset contains the recorded water temperatures of specific sites in western Lake Erie during the summer of 2014.
This dataset contains the recorded water temperatures of specific sites in western Lake Erie, Saginaw Bay in Lake Huron, and Grand Traverse Bay in Lake Michigan during the summer of 2015. Sites with just a number were from Lake Erie. Sites from Grand Traverse Bay have a GTB prefix; Saginaw Bay= SB prefix.
Between 1900 and 1932, a copper (Cu) mine operated near Gay, Michigan, along the shore of Lake Superior, discharged approximately 22.8 million metric tons of waste material known as ‘stamp sands’ (SS) to a nearby beach. This pile of SS has migrated via wind and rain along the beaches in northern Grand Traverse Bay and into Buffalo Reef, an important spawning area for Lake Trout and Lake Whitefish. During their first summer, these newly spawned fish consume benthic invertebrates and zooplankton in nearby beach habitats. SS contain elevated concentrations of metals (especially Cu) that are toxic to many invertebrate taxa, and studies have observed very few benthic taxa in areas with very high SS. Here, we sampled...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aquatic Biology,
Keweenaw Bay NE,
Lake Superior,
Southcentral Lake Superior,
These data tables summarize land cover classifications, slope measurements, and inundated area estimates for several lakes in northern Minnesota, as part of a larger project seeking to identify associations between young-of-year Yellow Perch mercury content and water level metrics, temperature, and annual deposition data in a multivariate analysis. One table presents inundated area estimates for a range of water surface elevations in 0.1 meter increments between a range of seasonal minimum and maximum water surface elevation values. The other table summarizes the percent cover and number of hectares of each land cover class within a specified buffered area around each study sampling site, along with a measure of...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Crane Lake,
Kabetogama Lake,
Little Vermilion Lake,
Namakan Lake,
Invasion of North American waters by Dreissena polymorpha and D. rostriformis bugensis has resulted in declines in native North American Unionoida mussels. Dreissenid mussels biofoul unionid mussels in large numbers and interfere with unionid movement, acquisition of food and ability to open and close their shells. Initial expectations for the Great Lakes were that unionids would be extirpated where they co-occur with dreissenids, but recently adult and juvenile unionids have been found alive in several apparent refugia. These unionid populations may persist due to reduced dreissenid biofouling in these areas, and/or due to processes that remove biofoulers. For example, locations inaccessible to veligers may reduce...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Ecological process monitoring,
Lake Erie,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
In this dataset, we report on the biomass and abundance of invertebrates collected on artificial substrates in the Great Lakes from 2013-2016. Sampling effort was focused on the western basin of Lake Erie, but also includes some sampling from Green Bay (Lake Michigan), Grand Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) and Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron). In 2015 and 2016, we increased the number of taxa that we quantified. Round Hester-Dendy samplers were used as artificial substrates. Substrates were deployed at sites where unionid mussels were also deployed in cages.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Great Lakes,
USGS-CC Quagga Mussels and Zebra Mussels,
Western Lake Erie,
freshwater ecosystems,
In 2013 and 2014, standardized electrofishing was conducted above and below Lock and Dam 19 (i.e., in Pools 19 and 20 respectively) of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR). Sampling was consistent with the UMR Restoration program’s Long Term Resource Monitoring element (LTRM) and The Illinois Natural History Survey’s Long Term Electrofishing program (LTEF) allowing for standardized comparisons among the reaches we sampled and those sampled by the LTRM (Pools 4, 8, 13, and 26) and LTEF (Pools 16-21, and Pool 25). Data in this file is includes A) new data from Pools 19 and 20 and B) data compiled from public sources for other pools (LTRM and LTEF). Generally, data codes are intended to match formatting conventions from...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Illinois,
Navigation Pool 19,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Microcystins (MC) are a class of cyanotoxins produced by many cyanobacteria taxa. Although toxic to metazoans, the evolution of microcystin pre-dates the appearance of metazoans, and so MC did not originate as a toxin to potential metazoan grazers. One hypothesized functional role of microcystin is the management and acquisition of metals, several of which form complexes with MC intracellularly. Metals are often used to build enzymes within the cell that allow cyanobacteria to use non-preferred nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) sources, such as nitrate, urea and organic P. If trace metals are in low supply, primary producers may become limited because of their inability to access these non-preferred N and P forms....
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aquatic Biology,
Great Lakes,
Green Bay,
Northwestern Lake Michigan,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
This dataset contains the recorded water temperatures of specific sites located in western Lake Erie and the rivermouths of the Fox River and Duck Creek as they flow into Green Bay in Lake Michigan during the summer of 2016. Sites with just a number were from Lake Erie. Sites from Green Bay = GB prefix; Fox Rivermouth = FX prefix; Duck Creek rivermouth = DK prefix.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Duck Creek,
Fox River,
Green Bay,
Northwestern Lake Michigan,
Western Lake Erie,
Eggs were collected in the Upper Mississippi main stem (Pool 9 and Pool 11) during the summer of 2013. Using previously published morphological characteristics, eggs were positively identified as belonging to an invasive Asian carp genus. A subsample of these eggs was subsequently analyzed using molecular methods to determine species identity. Genetic identification of a total of 41 eggs was attempted using the cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI) gene. Due to the preservation technique used (formalin) and resulting DNA degradation, sequences from only 17 individuals could be recovered. In all cases, non-carp cyprinids were identified as the most likely species identity (usually a Notropis spp.). In previously published...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Mississippi River,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
environmental DNA
This dataset includes information from ichthyoplankton sampling for silver carp and bighead carp collected from three main reaches in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, including the La Grange, Peoria, Starved Rock, and Marseilles reaches of the Illinois River, Pool 20 of Mississippi River, and the St. Croix River. Data include the number of bigheaded carp eggs and larvae identified using traditional manual sorting techniques, and genetic data derived from quantitative PCR (qPCR) and 4 bigheaded carp markers (SCTM4/5 and BHTM1/2) that were used to identify the amount of DNA in ichthyoplankton tow samples. These data provide information for natural resource agencies and managers who could use this qPCR screening...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Hypophthalmichthys,
Illinois River, USA,
Midwest Region, USA,
Water level fluctuations substantially alter the fauna, flora and microbial community of near-shore aquatic ecosystems. Water level management therefore has the potential to strongly influence a wide variety of ecosystem processes. Many northern temperate lake food webs experience substantial methylmercury contamination, which is partially mediated by the action of sulfate reducing bacteria occurring in sediments that are periodically inundated. For lakes with methylmercury problems, water level management could be designed to reduce methylmercury contamination. These data summarize inundated areas at varying water surface elevations for several northern Minnesota lakes, as part of the project described above. The...
This dataset contains measurements of water chemistry taken from experimental incubation of sediment cores collected from the Fox and Duck rivermouths during the 2016 growing season. In addition, some characteristics of the sediment were recorded. This data can be used to generate estimates of nutrient change over time, due to flux of nutrients from the sediments. These flux estimates (or release rates) can be used to estimate total flux from sediments to the surface waters over the course of the 2016 growing season. This dataset is a subset of a larger effort to quantitatively estimate the effect of rivermouths on nutrient loading to Lake Michigan.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Fox River, Wisconsin, USA,
Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA,
Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA,
Lake Michigan,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
These data are associated with experiments performed in 2016 and 2017 in the Fox rivermouth (Green Bay, WI; Lake Michigan). Between the De Pere Dam and the Lake Michigan coastline, we performed experiments to measure water column transformation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and sediment flux of DOM. These experiments consisted of incubations of surface water or intact sediment cores and repeated measures over time of DOM concentration and optical properties. When these experiments were performed, we also measured inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics. Results and data related to nitrogen and phosphorus have already been published. We also measured ancillary environmental data that would assist in understanding...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Fox River,
Great Lakes,
Great Lakes,
Lake Michigan,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
In this data release the authors have code and 'data' that are used to model how sediment flux and water column processing of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), ammonium (NH4/NHX) and nitrate (NOX). The file '' contains background information on how to access and use the data and code files.
Categories: Data
Many taxa of North American unionid mussels are imperiled due to biofouling by invasive dreissenid mussels. Here, we report on biofouling rates of unionid mussels suspended in cages during the growing season in nearshore embayments in Lake Erie (2013-2016), Lake Michigan (Green Bay 2016, Grand Traverse Bay 2015) and Lake Huron (Saginaw Bay 2015). Mussels were deployed in early summer (late May or early June) and retrieved in late summer or fall (late August or early September). Wet weights were collected from mussels before and after removal of biofouling taxa (primarily dreissenid mussels).
To address how phytoplankton in the Great Lakes respond to macro- and micronutrients, we conducted a bottle incubation enrichment experiment using water collected from blooming (Maumee Bay and Fox River) and non-blooming sites (Detroit River and Ford River) in Lakes Erie and Michigan, respectively, during late summer. Surface water from these locations was collected and taken to Kent State University either via overnight shipping (Lake Michigan sites) or driven directly after collection (Lake Erie sites). Chlorophyll a (an index of overall biomass), community composition and toxicity were all measured as responses to treatments of labile inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and a mixture of micronutrients (chemical...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aquatic Biology,
Cyanophyte Phytoplankton,
Great Lakes,
Green Bay,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Description of Work The GLRI Rivermouths Project (template 82) is designed to enhance our understanding of how rivermouths function at both regional and local scales by 1) developing a rivermouth classification system, based on a broad scale database covering all Great Lakes rivermouths (>2000); 2) creating a science-based understanding of how the ecological structure and function of rivermouths are linked both to the landscapes they drain and to the Lakes with which they mix; and 3) increasing the public and scientific profile of these ecosystems by connecting researchers and natural resource managers through a collaborative dialog. The long-term goal is to provide enhanced guidance for restoration and rehabilitation...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Accountability,
Areas of concern,
Ecosystem health,
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative,