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The fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) is a key model of vertebrate toxicity. Standardized tests of toxicity in fathead minnow have been developed to support regulatory science, and much is known about the response of the species to various environmental pollutants. However, there is little data on genetic variation within the species, despite the potential influence of genetic background on toxicological outcomes. Furthermore, the phylogenetic relationships among Pimephales species are not fully established and rates of evolutionary divergence within the species and genus have not been investigated. This study examined patterns of genetic variation across the genome within a single wild population of fathead...
The Aga, also known as the Mariana Crow, is an endangered endemic crow of the Northern Mariana Islands, a Commonwealth of the United States of America. The only known population currently extant is on the island of Rota and has been in decline over the past two decades. Unknown pathogens are among the factors that may be contributing to this decline. To support metagenomic and transcriptomic analysis of potential disease agents, a reference genome was generated and gene features comprehensively annotated. The methods used and data availability are described. This data release consists of: 1. Gene annotations for the endangered Aga or Mariana Crow, including summary statistics, that are available from the National...
This data release comprises a dataset that contains sample collection information and microsatellite genotypes, and another dataset that contains single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes with sample collection information for populations of white-tailed ptarmigan across the species' range. There is also an additional file (accession numbers.xlsx) linking samples to accession numbers in Genbank. This data was collected in order to address the following: The delineation of intraspecific units that are evolutionarily and demographically distinct is an important step in the development of species-specific management plans. Neutral genetic variation has served as the primary data source for delineating units for...
The data release details the samples, methods, and raw data used to generate high-quality genome assemblies for greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), white-tailed ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura), and trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator). The raw data have been deposited in the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the authoritative repository for public biological sequence data, and are not included in this data release. Instead, the accessions that link to those data via the NCBI portal ( are provided herein. The release consists of a single file, sample.metadata.txt, which maps NCBI accessions to the samples sequenced and the different...
The rusty-patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis) is a listed species under the Endangered Species Act of the United States. While understood to be a highly generalist forager, little is known on the role that limited floral resources or shifting floral community composition could have played in B. affinis decline. Determining which floral species provide suitable B. affinis forage could assist conservation efforts where B. affinis persists, identify floral species for restoration efforts, or highlight regions to search for cryptic populations.
Biological indicator taxa have long been used for integrative assessments of water quality, particularly benthic invertebrate groups such as arthropods. While standardized protocols have been developed to calculate 'biological index' scores based on the abundances of these taxa, such systems are challenging to implement at large scales due to the sampling effort required, taxonomic expertise needed, and the need for repeated sampling to reliably discriminate sites. Many of the same taxa detected by traditional surveys can also be detected by genetic analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA), potentially allowing for an alternative formulation of biological indexes that might be faster and more economical to produce....
Environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys have become important tools for monitoring aquatic biodiversity. Barcode sequencing of eDNA generates community profiles that, while potentially biased in both capture and amplification, can nonetheless yield high information content per unit cost. While factors affecting eDNA capture and amplification have been heavily studied, watershed-scale assessments of fish communities and our confidence in such have been less frequent. We performed an initial watershed-scale characterization of fish eDNA using rapid, low-volume filtering with replicate and control samples scaled for a single Illumina MiSeq flow cell, using the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA locus for taxonomic profiling....
High-throughput methods for identification of pollinator taxa are desirable to improve our understanding of pollinator distributions, population trends, and ecology. Genetic sequencing of taxonomically informative 'barcode' loci is one high-throughput strategy, which can be applied to individual specimens using Sanger technology and to complex mixtures using metabarcoding technology. This study generated Sanger sequencing data from morphologically identified specimens and metabarcoding data derived from pooled tissues. This data release consists of several files: 1. sample.metadata.txt, which contains sampling metadata and identifiers linking to sequence data that has been deposited in the Sequence Read Archive...
Largemouth base histological development and transcriptomic changes in gonad tissue after early life stage exposure to Atrazine (1-Chloro-3-ethylamino-5-isopropylamino-2,4,6-triazine) or the model estrogen 17α-ethinylestradiol.
Lake Sinai Viruses (LSV) are common ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses of honey bees (Apis mellifera) that frequently reach high abundance but are not linked to overt disease. LSVs are genetically heterogeneous and collectively widespread, but despite frequent detection in surveys, the ecological and geographic factors structuring their distribution in A. mellifera are not understood. Even less is known about their distribution in other species. Better understanding of LSV prevalence and ecology have been hampered by high sequence diversity within the LSV clade. We developed a new genetic assay that detects all currently known lineages. We also performed pilot metagenetic sequencing to quantify the diversity of LSV...
The dataset consists of genotypes (diploid base calls at variant sites) at 3,601 anonymous sites of the Arizona Toad (Anaxyrus microscaphus) nuclear genome. The genotyped samples are representative of the range of the species and its major population units, and the genotyped loci have a high degree of completeness. This data release consists of several files: 1. sample.metadata.txt, which contains sampling metadata and identifiers linking to sequence data that has been deposited in the Sequence Read Archive of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). This database is authoritative and comprehensive for sharing high-throughput sequence data produced with public funds. All NCBI-derived accessions...
To identify potential biomarkers of salt stress in the freshwater mussel Elliptio complanata, we examined transcriptional responses of the common mussel Elliptio complanata to controlled NaCl exposures. The data set is a table of counts, with the rows being the transcripts detected in the samples in the experiment and the columns identifying the samples. Four mussles were exposed to normal freshwater and four mussels were exposed to high salinity (two ppt), for a period of seven days.
Honey bees (Apis mellifera), a critical agricultural pollinator in many areas, have a high rate of infection with a large DNA virus, Apis mellifera filamentous virus (AmFV), yet little is known about its ecology or impact on honey bee colonies, other than its ubiquity and apparent low virulence. This study scanned over 5,000 public data sets to detect AmFV sequences in honey bees as well as a parasitic mite of honey bees, Varroa destructor, that is a potential vector of AmFV. The data release consists of these files: 1. AmFV.genome.assemblies.aligned.fas, which contains new AmFV draft genome sequences generated by this study aligned with existing reference genome accessions downloaded from the National Center for...
Deformed wing virus (DWV) is a major pathogen of concern to apiculture, and recent reports have indicated the local predominance and potential virulence of recombinants between DWV and a related virus, Varroa destructor virus 1 (VDV). However, little is known about the frequency and titer of VDV and recombinants relative to DWV generally. In this study, I assessed the relative occurrence and titer of DWV and VDV in public RNA-seq accessions of honey bee using a rapid, kmer-based approach. Three recombinant types were detectable graphically and corroborated by de novo assembly. Recombination breakpoints did not disrupt the capsid-encoding region, consistent with previous reports, and both VDV- and DWV-derived capsids...
A survey of environmental DNA was performed in Tunison Creek downstream of the USGS Tunison Aquatic Laboratory. The goal of the survey was to characterize the source ecological community at multiple trophic or taxonomic levels by associating DNA fragments with reference databases. Three taxonomically informative genetic loci were used: the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 locus, the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal locus, and the bacterial/organellar 16S ribosomal locus. The data set includes a list of sample and sequence accessions residing in the National Center for Biotechnology Information databases, which provide the raw data for analysis or re-use. The data also includes the representative sequences of operational...
This study generated genetic 'barcode' data using high-throughput sequencing to characterize pollen collected by the endangered rusty-patched bumblebee, Bombus affinis. Pollen samples were associated with a single Bombus affinis colony within a structure in Red Wing, Minnesota, USA, as previously described by Boone et al. (2022). This data release consists of two tab-delimited files: 1) sample.metadata.txt includes sample identifiers and accessions assigned by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the authoritative repository for publicly funded genetic data in the United States. These accessions can be used individually to obtain raw sequencing data or sample information at
This dataset contains the invertebrates (identified to Order and Family) present in Cactus Wren nestling fecal samples and found using DNA sequencing (metabarcoding) methods. Nestling fecal samples were collected from one or more handled nestlings per territory collected between April and July of 2015 through 2019 in San Diego, California. The steps to process these data are detailed in the Data Quality section. These data support the following publication: Lynn, S., Houston, A., and Kus, B.E., 2022, Distribution and demography of Coastal Cactus Wrens in Southern California, 2015–19: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2022-1044, 44 p.,
The files in this data release are the processed DNA consensus sequence alignment files for the chelonid herpesvirus 5 (ChHV-5) genome plus 66 open reading frames representing protien-coding genes. DNA was extracted from tumor biopsies from green sea turtles (Chelonias mydas) with fibropapillomatosis sampled from Florida and Hawaii coastal waters. We used high-throughput short-read sequencing (Illumina MiSeq and Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine) of long-range PCR products amplified from tumor tissue using primers designed from the single available ChHV5 reference genome from a Hawaii green sea turtle. The raw sequence data is available at the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under bioproject number PRJNA360405, including...
Tags: Class Reptilia, DNA sequencing, Earth, Oceans, Atlantic, North Atlantic, Earth, Oceans, Pacific, Family Cheloniidae, All tags...
Bats of the genus Lasiurus occur throughout the Americas and have diversified into at least 20 species among three subgenera. The hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus, or synonymously, Aeorestes cinereus) is highly migratory and ranges farther across North America than any other wild mammal. Despite the ecological importance of this species as a major insect predator, and the particular susceptibility of lasiurine bats to wind turbine strikes, our understanding of hoary bat ecology, physiology, and behavior remains poor. To better understand adaptive evolution in this lineage, we used whole-genome sequencing to identify protein-coding sequence and explore signatures of positive selection. Gene models were predicted with...
The dataset consists of sets of orthologous gene sequences obtained from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI, and from Cornman and Cryan (2022). Sequences derive from twelve bat species that are representative of bat diversity and for which high-quality gene models have been annotated. Each gene set was codon aligned and subsequently trimmed as needed for evolutionary analysis.

map background search result map search result map Targeted amplicon resequencing of chelonid alphaherpesvirus 5 from tumor samples collected from Chelonia mydas (green turtle) inhabiting Hawaiian and Florida coastal waters Metagenetic analysis of stream community composition based on environmental DNA Genetic detection of Lake Sinai Virus in honey bees (Apis mellifera) and other insects Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Pollen Metagenome Taxonomic composition of environmental DNA acquired by filtration from the St. Regis River, New York Effects of early life stage exposure of largemouth bass to atrazine or a model estrogen (17α-ethinylestradiol) Gene annotations for the hoary bat (Lasiurus [Aeorestes] cinereus) and alignments with other bat gene sets for evolutionary analysis Genomic variation in the genus Pimephales: raw sequence data and single-nucleotide polymorphisms A reference genome assembly for the endangered Aga or Mariana Crow (Corvus kubaryi) Metabarcode sequencing of aquatic environmental DNA from the Potomac River Watershed, 2015-2020 Voucher and metagenetic sequencing of DNA barcodes of wild-collected bees (Apoidea) from Iowa, USA Reduced representation sequencing and genotyping of Arizona Toads (Anaxyrus microscaphus) from the southwestern United States Whole genome sequencing of three North American large-bodied birds Amplicon sequencing of pollen foraged by Bombus affinis for compositional analysis Cactus Wren Invertebrate Diet Derived from Sequencing of Nestling Fecal Samples in San Diego County, California Effects of early life stage exposure of largemouth bass to atrazine or a model estrogen (17α-ethinylestradiol) Metagenetic analysis of stream community composition based on environmental DNA Amplicon sequencing of pollen foraged by Bombus affinis for compositional analysis Cactus Wren Invertebrate Diet Derived from Sequencing of Nestling Fecal Samples in San Diego County, California Metabarcode sequencing of aquatic environmental DNA from the Potomac River Watershed, 2015-2020 Voucher and metagenetic sequencing of DNA barcodes of wild-collected bees (Apoidea) from Iowa, USA Taxonomic composition of environmental DNA acquired by filtration from the St. Regis River, New York Reduced representation sequencing and genotyping of Arizona Toads (Anaxyrus microscaphus) from the southwestern United States Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Pollen Metagenome Genetic detection of Lake Sinai Virus in honey bees (Apis mellifera) and other insects Targeted amplicon resequencing of chelonid alphaherpesvirus 5 from tumor samples collected from Chelonia mydas (green turtle) inhabiting Hawaiian and Florida coastal waters Genomic variation in the genus Pimephales: raw sequence data and single-nucleotide polymorphisms Gene annotations for the hoary bat (Lasiurus [Aeorestes] cinereus) and alignments with other bat gene sets for evolutionary analysis Whole genome sequencing of three North American large-bodied birds