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Managed aquifer recharge is a water-management strategy used to meet water demands during dry periods, or periods of high-water demand, when surface-water supplies are low. One method of managed aquifer recharge uses aquifer systems as subsurface reservoirs or ‘water banks’ to effectively and economically store surface water when surplus is available, and then recover the recharged groundwater to meet water demands during droughts. During these water shortages, increased groundwater pumpage can be used to offset shortfalls in surface-water supplies. Thus, surface-water reservoirs and water banks can be used conjunctively to effectively coordinate the use of groundwater and surface water. Data were compiled for ten...
The California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) initiated the Oil and Gas Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) to assess effects of oil and gas development on groundwater designated for any beneficial use. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the technical lead in conducting the RMP through the California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater (COGG) Program, working in cooperation with the State Water Board, and in partnership with other State and local agencies. The USGS collected and analyzed groundwater, surface water, and associated quality control (QC) samples in the Elk Hills study area during June 2017–April 2018. The Elk Hills study area includes the Elk Hills and North Coles Levee Oil Fields and...
Data was collected in the Cache Slough Complex located in the northern San Francisco Estuary to characterize water quality parameters at high spatial resolution. Data collection was conducted on three separate occasions: October 2017, May 2018, and October 2018. Data set includes nitrate, ammonium, ortho-phosphate, dissolved organic carbon, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll, stable isotopes including water isotopes. Measurements were used to calculate evaporation to inflow ratios and water residence time.
Fluorescence and absorbance spectra were measured in discrete surface water samples collected during three sampling campaigns (Nov 2022, Mar/Apr 2023, Jul 2023) on the Illinois Waterway (IWW) and Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS), which are the primary drainage of the Illinois River Basin (IRB). Water sampling was conducted concurrently with a boat-based water quality mapping effort using the Fast Limnology Automated Measurement (FLAMe) system (Crawford et al., 2015). Each campaign began in the Chicago metropolitan area, and after having sampled Lake Michigan, entered into the upper extent of the IWW, sampling through the CAWS into the lower reaches of the Des Plaines River and finally the Illinois River. After...
The dataset documents the spatial and temporal variability of nutrients and related water quality parameters at high spatial resolution in the North Delta of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta of California, USA. The dataset includes surface mapping, depth profile, and discrete data for nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, dissolved organic carbon, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and chlorophyll as well as information about phytoplankton community composition. Data-collection cruises were conducted over two time periods in July and October 2018 across two flooded islands with dense submerged aquatic vegetation beds. Little Hastings Tract received an herbicide treatment by the California Department of Boating...
The dataset includes water temperature and atmospheric pressure data collected from selected key tributaries Clear Lake, Lake County, California, used for spawning by the Clear Lake Hitch (Lavinia exilicauda chi): Kelsey Creek, Siegler Creek, Middle Creek, Adobe Creek, and Cole Creek. Data were collected with ONSET HOBO Model U20L-002 loggers.
Field data for a spatial water quality map, using Yellow Spring Instruments (YSI) EXO2 sondes over a span of 160 minutes in Rodeo Lagoon, CA, on August 16th, 2016. This data release includes all measured environmental parameters included in the analysis.
This dataset provides the estimated number of people using publicly supplied groundwater (PSg) or publicly supplied surface water (PSs) for each county in the conterminous U.S. The county boundaries, the PSg, and the PSs represent the year 2010
This dataset includes field measurements and laboratory analyses of surface water, bottom water (sediment-water interface), surficial (0-2 cm) sediment, pore water (0-2 cm), and biota collected in Lake Combie, California, from September 2017 through August 2021. The study area includes six sites within the reservoir where discrete samples of surface water, bottom water, sediment, and pore water were taken along the length of the reservoir at the following distances from the spillway: 0.07 miles, 0.5 miles, 0.9 miles, 1.2 miles, 1.3 miles, and 1.4 miles. The within-reservoir sites were sampled during September 2017, February 2018, and May 2018, prior to a large sediment removal operation, and again during September...
Due to declining water levels and increasing salinity in the Salton Sea which may increase the hazards to wildlife, the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation are re-evaluating selenium concentrations in the region. As part of this work, selenium concentrations in water and sediment samples and selected other inorganic constituents were compiled from published reports, public databases, and unpublished archives into a tabulated spreadsheet. This spreadsheet represents a rapid synthesis of available data on selenium concentrations in water and sediment in the region surrounding the Salton Sea, however it does not include all data ever published in the region. Additionally, the data compilation was...
This data release contains site information and potential explanatory factor data for 1,899 groundwater sites. These sites were used to assess groundwater quality in aquifers used for domestic and public drinking water supply in the southeastern San Joaquin Valley. The southeastern San Joaquin Valley (SESJV) study unit consists of five study areas whose boundaries are defined by the eponymous California Department of Water Resources groundwater subbasins of the San Joaquin Valley groundwater basin: Madera-Chowchilla, Kings, Kaweah, Tule, and Tulare Lake. The sites consist of 198 wells representing the domestic-supply aquifer and 1,701 wells representing the public-supply aquifer. The domestic-supply aquifer wells...
The U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System (NWIS) data archive contains publicly available water-quality data for approximately 20,000 groundwater wells and springs in California. This data release publishes site type information and a generalized use classification for the sites. The generalized use category is derived from, but is not equivalent to, the use of site and use of water fields from the NWIS data archive. The use of site and use of water fields in the NWIS data archive are not publicly available. The 20,000 groundwater wells and springs were categorized as into seven generalized use categories: 1) domestic, 2) irrigation, 3) production, 4) water supply, other, 5) observation, 6) other,...
An investigation was done by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board's Program of Regional Groundwater Monitoring of Water Quality in Areas of Oil and Gas Production, to assess the effects of oil and gas production activities on nearby groundwater resources. During November 2016–September 2017, 30 samples were collected at groundwater wells and 1 sample was collected at a surface-water site. This dataset contains site information and water chemistry results for samples collected near the Lost Hills and North and South Belridge oil fields, Kern County, California. Samples were analyzed for water-quality indicators, major and minor ions, nutrients, trace elements,...
Data for static groundwater-levels measured in about 645 wells during the period of January-April 2016 by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the Mojave Water Agency, and other local water districts were compiled to construct a regional water-table map. The downloadable shapefile shows the elevation of the water table in the Mojave River and Morongo groundwater basins. This dataset is a digital representation of the contours presented on Plate 1 of Regional Water Table (2016) in the Mojave River and Morongo Groundwater Basins, Southwestern Mojave Desert, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Map, doi:10.5066/sim3391, published by Meghan C. Dick and Adam R. Kjos. It is a continuation...
These data include pumping, injection, and water spreading input data for the MODFLOW-6 extension and update to Los Angeles Coastal Plain Groundwater Model (LACPGM-MF6) for the years 2016-2020. The LACPGM-MF6 required model inputs to represent groundwater injection, groundwater extraction, and water spreading. Extended datasets include four barrier project injection rates, two groundwater production extraction rates, and one water spreading infiltration rates. The data were made available by the two local water agencies, Water Resources Division of Los Angeles and the Orange County Water District. Spreading data were formatted for the MODFLOW-6 well package and both injection and extraction data were formatted for...
This digital dataset contains historical geochemical and other information for 200 samples of produced water from 182 sites in 25 oil fields in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, southern California. Produced water is a term used in the oil industry to describe water that is produced as a byproduct along with the oil and gas. The locations from which these historical samples have been collected include 152 wells. Well depth and (or) perforation depths are available for 114 of these wells. Sample depths are available for two additional wells in lieu of well or perforation depths. Additional sample sites include four storage tanks, and two unidentifiable sample sources. One of the storage tank samples (Dataset ID 57)...
This digital dataset contains the datasets related to agricultural and municipal water supply and groundwater in the Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models (LSVHM), including the Salinas Valley Operational Model (SVOM) and the Salinas Valley Integrated Hydrologic Model (SVIHM). Groundwater inflow and outflow data include reported groundwater pumpage and groundwater elevations obtained for the period from October 1, 1967, to September 30, 2018. Groundwater pumpage in the Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models is grouped into (1) pre-estimated and specified municipal and industrial (referred to as water supply) and (2) simulated pumpage from all irrigation wells used to supply water for irrigation (referred to as...
This digital dataset represents historical geochemical and other information for 58 sample results of produced water from 56 sites in the Orcutt and Oxnard oil fields in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, respectively, in southern California. Produced water is a term used in the oil industry to describe water that is produced as a byproduct along with the oil and gas. The locations from which these historical samples were collected include 20 wells (12 in the Oxnard oil field and 8 in the Orcutt oil field). The top and bottom perforations are known for all except one (Dataset ID 33) of these wells. Additional sample sites include 13 storage tanks, and 13 unidentifiable sources. Two of the storage tanks (Dataset...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board collected produced water samples from four petroleum wells in the southern San Joaquin Valley on November 5, 2014. This digital dataset contains the site information, analyzing laboratories and methods, and water chemistry and quality control results for these samples. Water chemistry results include concentrations of dissolved hydrocarbon gases and their isotopic composition; concentrations of inorganic constituents including salinity, major ions, and nutrients; dissolved organic carbon; and stable isotopes of water and strontium dissolved in water. Samples were analyzed by 5 laboratories operated or contracted...

map background search result map search result map Produced water chemistry data for samples from four petroleum wells, Southern San Joaquin Valley, California, 2014 Regional Water Table (2016) in the Mojave River and Morongo Groundwater Basins, Southwestern Mojave Desert, California Water chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater and surface-water sites near the Lost Hills and Belridge oil fields, November 2016–September 2017, Kern County, California Water Temperature of Selected Tributaries of Clear Lake, Lake County, California Water chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater and surface-water sites near the Lost Hills and Belridge oil fields, November 2016–September 2017, Kern County, California (ver. 2.0, December 2021) Water chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater and surface water sites in the Elk Hills study area, June 2017–April 2018, Kern County, California Surface Water Quality at Rodeo Lagoon on August 16th, 2016 Historical produced water chemistry data compiled for selected oil fields in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, southern California Historical produced water chemistry data compiled for the Orcutt and Oxnard oil fields, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, southern California High-Resolution Measurements to Identify Effects of Aquatic Vegetation on Water Quality and Stratification Characterization of water residence time, nutrients, phytoplankton and related water quality constituents in the Cache Slough Complex of the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in 2017 and 2018 Water and sediment data used to evaluate selenium hazards in the Salton Sea ecosystem Data sets for: Status of Water Quality in Groundwater Resources Used for Drinking-Water Supply in the Southeastern San Joaquin Valley, 2013-2015 - California GAMA Priority Basin Project Geochemical data for water, sediment, and biota in Lake Combie, California, 2017-2021 Table of Estimated County Population Using Public Supply Groundwater or Surface Water Central Valley Hydrologic Model version 2 (CVHM2): Water Banking for water years 1961-2019 (ver. 2.0, Aug 2023) Generalized use classification for groundwater sites in California with publicly available water-quality data in the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System (NWIS) data archive Pumping, Injection, and Water Spreading Model Input for the Los Angeles Coastal Plain Groundwater Model - MF6 Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models: Agricultural and Municipal Water Supply and Groundwater Data (ver. 2.1, August 2024) Laboratory Optical Measurements From Discrete Surface Water Samples Collected During Water Quality Mapping Campaigns on the Illinois Waterway and Chicago Area Waterway Systems Surface Water Quality at Rodeo Lagoon on August 16th, 2016 Geochemical data for water, sediment, and biota in Lake Combie, California, 2017-2021 Water chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater and surface water sites in the Elk Hills study area, June 2017–April 2018, Kern County, California Characterization of water residence time, nutrients, phytoplankton and related water quality constituents in the Cache Slough Complex of the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in 2017 and 2018 Water chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater and surface-water sites near the Lost Hills and Belridge oil fields, November 2016–September 2017, Kern County, California Water Temperature of Selected Tributaries of Clear Lake, Lake County, California Pumping, Injection, and Water Spreading Model Input for the Los Angeles Coastal Plain Groundwater Model - MF6 Historical produced water chemistry data compiled for selected oil fields in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, southern California Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models: Agricultural and Municipal Water Supply and Groundwater Data (ver. 2.1, August 2024) Historical produced water chemistry data compiled for the Orcutt and Oxnard oil fields, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, southern California Regional Water Table (2016) in the Mojave River and Morongo Groundwater Basins, Southwestern Mojave Desert, California Data sets for: Status of Water Quality in Groundwater Resources Used for Drinking-Water Supply in the Southeastern San Joaquin Valley, 2013-2015 - California GAMA Priority Basin Project Water and sediment data used to evaluate selenium hazards in the Salton Sea ecosystem Laboratory Optical Measurements From Discrete Surface Water Samples Collected During Water Quality Mapping Campaigns on the Illinois Waterway and Chicago Area Waterway Systems Central Valley Hydrologic Model version 2 (CVHM2): Water Banking for water years 1961-2019 (ver. 2.0, Aug 2023) Generalized use classification for groundwater sites in California with publicly available water-quality data in the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System (NWIS) data archive Table of Estimated County Population Using Public Supply Groundwater or Surface Water