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The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) contracted the Rainwater Basin Joint Venture (RWBJV) to conduct a black-tail prairie dog colony inventory of Nebraska using 1-meter National Agriculture Imagery Program ( 2010) aerial imagery. We estimated the extent of each colony by placing polygon vertices on the furthest visible burrows. Burrows were then re-evaluated using sub-meter resolution imagery. Burrow delineations within 3 kilometers of one another were combined and considered a single colony resulting in 669 distinct colonies totaling 97,438 acres across the state of Nebraska.
Agricultural Areas within the Rainwater Basin Region and Twin Platte Region of Nebraska delineated by irrigation type (pivot, pivot corner, gravity, and dryland). Land status current to 2016.
The range-wide plan (RWP) has been developed in response to concerns about lesser prairie-chicken (LPC) habitat threats which may be impacting LPC populations, and the proposed listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Along with the existing conservation efforts already being implemented, as described in the RWP, the supporting WAFWA Conservation Agreement (WCA) represents another mechanism to implement conservation to benefit LPC. The WCP represents an opportunity to enroll participants who agree to avoid, minimize and mitigate actions which may be detrimental to LPC. Landowners may enroll properties to be managed for the benefit of LPC. Properties may generate credits for mitigation. When complete avoidance...
The Big Bend reach of the central Platte River serves as a major staging area for migratory water birds (waterfowl, wading birds, shorebirds) during spring migration. Reduced spring flows and drought conditions within the Platte system have promoted encroachment by undesirable woody and herbaceous invasive species. This encroachment has caused the once shallow braided channels of the Platte River to incise. This action has significantly reduced available habitat for roosting and loafing Sandhill Cranes, endangered Whooping Cranes, and millions of waterfowl that annually utilize the Platte River each spring. This change in river morphology has also reduced available nesting habitat for the federally listed Interior...
The Rainwater Basin wetland complex (RWB) provides critical spring migration habitat for millions of waterfowl annually. As the region was settled, the abundant wetlands were drained for agricultural purposes. The ephemeral nature of these wetlands and lack of contemporary data prompted the Rainwater Basin Joint Venture to acquire aerial photography on an annual basis. Imagery was collected during peak waterfowl migration in the spring of 2004 and annually from 2006 to 2021.
The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is an ongoing effort that has collected data on bird populations and trends since 1966. The Rainwater Basin Joint Venture (RWBJV) has used this data from 2005 to 2010 to create species distribution models (SDMs) for target bird populations within Nebraska. Species targeted by this modeling include Dickcissel (DICK), Eastern Meadowlark (EAME), Grasshopper Sparrow (GRSP), and Western Meadowlark (WEME). These species were identified as high-priority Planning Species by the RWBJV Landbird Plan. The SDMs created by this analysis will be used to better inform conservation efforts throughout the state. For this analysis we used the following variable data: Missouri Resource...
Annual waterfowl (Anseriformes) surveys during Spring migration in the Rainwater Basin Wetland (RWB) Complex 2017-21. Each year a subset of RWB wetlands are selected for survey. Species counts and ancillary data about site conditions are collected using roadside surveys. Sites are revisited periodically through Spring migration. Dry wetlands or wetlands containing concentration pits are removed from the survey but are documented in a separate table.
Completed wetland and watershed restorations of irrigation reuse (or wetland concentration) pits in the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex. The inventory is updated annually from project and management tracking database records of watershed or wetland restorations by Rainwater Basin Joint Venture conservation partners. Irrigation reuse pits are remnant structures associated with gravity irrigation. Center pivot irrigation has largely replaced gravity irrigation in the region but, the irrigation reuse pits that remain in the watersheds of Rainwater Basin wetlands intercept rainfall that would otherwise runoff to the wetland. Concentration pits are structurally similar to irrigation reuse pits but were constructed within...
The Waters of the United States (WOTUS), or Clean Water Rule, defines which wetlands are under the jurisdiction of the federal government for regulating provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1972. Due to court decisions and administrative changes, the definitions currently in use varies across the United States. The most recent Clean Water Rule, 2015, is in effect for 22 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. Territories. The remaining 28 states, including Nebraska, are regulated under the 1986/1988 regulatory definition of Waters of the United States, 40 CFR 230.3(s) (EPA 2019). However, in February of April 2019, the two lead federal agencies, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of...
This is a land cover dataset for Nebraska that was most recently updated in 2020 by the Rainwater Basin Joint Venture. This metadata record supplements the complete description of the data in Bishop, A., Grosse,R., Barenberg, A., Volpe, N., and Riens, J. January, Nebraska Land Cover Development Version 2016. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Grand Island, Nebraska.
Extraction of three types of point symbols from Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Surveys for the state of Nebraska focusing on three symbol classes: WET (wet spot – turkey foot), MAR (marsh – grass patch), and DEP (depression – diamond) spot symbols. These symbols are similar to features found in hard copy published soils surveys, but have been updated since the publication of physical materials.
Historic wetland footprints produced by combining National Wetland Inventory (NWI, 2009 updated), NRCS hydric soils data, and contemporary field surveys. These historic footprints provide the basis for restoration implementation within the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex. This data was revised in 2016, succeeding the 2004 version. The 2016 revisions included eliminating historic wetland survey data, replacing NWI with the 2009 updated data, and inclusion of Olbut soils as a hydric soil class.
These raster files showing wetland areas that were functional during Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Annual Habitat Survey. Annual Habitat Surveys (AHS) identify areas of wetland ponding and function (ponding and potential hydrophyte vegetation) during spring migration. The information is developed by Rainwater Basin Joint Venture to identifying how much habitat the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex provides to migratory waterfowl on an annual basis. AHS have been completed for 2004 and 2006-2020 where high-resolution aerial photos of the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex are classified using an image object classification software to determine land cover (hydrophyte water, agriculture water, hydrophytes, agriculture,...
Historic wetland footprints produced by combining historic soil surveys, National Wetland Inventory (NWI), NRCS hydric soils data, and contemporary field surveys. The NWI data available at the time of production was the original 1980s data. These historic footprints provide the basis for restoration implementation within the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex. This data was revised in 2016 but the 2004 version is still used in some long-term datasets produced by the Rainwater Basin Joint Venture.
Geographic Focus Areas (GFAs) used for Rainwater Basin Joint Venture (RWBJV) species and habitat planning and reporting. These boundaries are based entirely or in part on the U.S. Environmental Protect Agency’s Level 4 Ecoregions, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resource Conservation Service’s Major Land Resource Areas, or Nebraska Game and Parks Commision’s Biologically Unique Landscapes. This revision of RWBJV GFAs replaces a previous version used in the RWBJV’s Impementation Plan (2013).
Inventory of irrigation reuse (or wetland concentration) pits in the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex. The inventory is updated annually removing pits that have been filled through watershed or wetland restorations by Rainwater Basin Joint Venture conservation partners. Irrigation reuse pits are remnant structures associated with gravity irrigation. Center pivot irrigation has largely replaced gravity irrigation in the region but, the irrigation reuse pits that remain in the watersheds of Rainwater Basin wetlands intercept rainfall that would otherwise runoff to the wetland. Concentration pits are structurally similar to irrigation reuse pits but were constructed within the wetland to concentrate water and open portions...
These raster files showing wetland areas that were ponded during Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Annual Habitat Survey. Annual Habitat Surveys (AHS) identify areas of wetland ponding and function (ponding and potential hydrophyte vegetation) during spring migration. The information is developed by Rainwater Basin Joint Venture to identifying how much habitat the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex provides to migratory waterfowl on an annual basis. AHS have been completed for 2004 and 2006-2020 where high-resolution aerial photos of the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex are classified using an image object classification software to determine land cover (hydrophyte water, agriculture water, hydrophytes, agriculture, or...

    map background search result map search result map Range-wide Lesser Prairie-Chicken Management Plan Development Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Annual Habitat Surveys Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Annual Habitat Surveys: Annual Function 2004-20 Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Annual Habitat Surveys: Annual Ponding 2004-20 Waters of the United States Rule Scenario Modeling for Nebraska Central Platte River of Nebraska Land Cover 2005 Nebraska Landcover 2016 Public (Non-CRP) Version Rainwater Basin and Twin Platte Agricultural Irrigation Inventory Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Waterfowl Surveys 2017-21 Breeding Bird Survey Models for Select Grassland Bird Species of Nebraska Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Historic Wetland Mask (HWM) 2004 Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Historic Wetland Mask (HWM) 2016 Nebraska Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Colony Delineation Using Aerial Photography - 2010 Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Irrigation Re-use Pit Inventory Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Filled Irrigation Re-use Pit Inventory Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Geographic Focus Areas (GFAs) Nebraska Web Soil Survey Point Extractions Central Platte River of Nebraska Land Cover 2005 Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Annual Habitat Surveys Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Waterfowl Surveys 2017-21 Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Historic Wetland Mask (HWM) 2004 Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Historic Wetland Mask (HWM) 2016 Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Irrigation Re-use Pit Inventory Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Filled Irrigation Re-use Pit Inventory Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Annual Habitat Surveys: Annual Function 2004-20 Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex Annual Habitat Surveys: Annual Ponding 2004-20 Rainwater Basin and Twin Platte Agricultural Irrigation Inventory Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Geographic Focus Areas (GFAs) Breeding Bird Survey Models for Select Grassland Bird Species of Nebraska Nebraska Web Soil Survey Point Extractions Nebraska Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Colony Delineation Using Aerial Photography - 2010 Waters of the United States Rule Scenario Modeling for Nebraska Nebraska Landcover 2016 Public (Non-CRP) Version Range-wide Lesser Prairie-Chicken Management Plan Development