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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > Northwest CASC > FY 2014 Projects ( Show direct descendants )

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A warming climate, fire exclusion, and land cover changes are altering the conditions that produced historical fire regimes and facilitating increased recent wildfire activity in the northwestern United States. Understanding the impacts of changing fire regimes on forest recruitment and succession, species distributions, carbon cycling, and ecosystem services is critical, but challenging across broad spatial scales. One important and understudied aspect of fire regimes is the unburned area within fire perimeters; these areas can function as fire refugia across the landscape during and after wildfire by providing habitat and seed sources. With increasing fire activity, there is speculation that fire intensity and...
UW_Olallie_photo_metadata & image files: These are the raw timelapse photographs. The date/time stamp is inaccurate for the camera deployed in the open (at the SNOTEL) due to a programming error. This timestamp is one day early (i.e., subtract 1 day from the timestamp when using these data). Also available is metadata for two timelapse cameras and their associated snow depth poles (two visible in each camera's field of view) deployed at Olallie Meadows SNOTEL during water year 2015. One camera was deployed in the open area that is the Olallie Meadows SNOTEL station (the snow pillow is in the field of view). The other camera was deployed in the adjacent forest, approximately 60 m to the southeast of the SNOTEL....
Data points intensively sampling 46 North American biomes were used to predict the geographic distribution of biomes from climate variables using the Random Forests classification tree. Techniques were incorporated to accommodate a large number of classes and to predict the future occurrence of climates beyond the contemporary climatic range of the biomes. Errors of prediction from the statistical model averaged 3.7%, but for individual biomes, ranged from 0% to 21.5%. In validating the ability of the model to identify climates without analogs, 78% of 1528 locations outside North America and 81% of land area of the Caribbean Islands were predicted to have no analogs among the 46 biomes. Biome climates were projected...
Wildfire refugia are forest patches that are minimally-impacted by fire and provide critical habitats for fire-sensitive species and seed sources for post-fire forest regeneration. Wildfire refugia are relatively understudied, particularly concerning the impacts of subsequent fires on existing refugia. We opportunistically re-visited 122 sites classified in 1994 for a prior fire refugia study, which were burned by two wildfires in 2012 in the Cascade mountains of central Washington, USA. We evaluated the fire effects for historically persistent fire refugia and compared them to the surrounding non-refugial forest matrix. Of 122 total refugial (43 plots) and non-refugial (79 plots) sites sampled following the 2012...
The rugged landscapes of northern Idaho and western Montana support biodiverse ecosystems, and provide a variety of natural resources and services for human communities. However, the benefits provided by these ecosystems may be at risk as changing climate magnifies existing stressors and allows new stressors to emerge. Preparation for and response to these potential changes can be most effectively addressed through multi-stakeholder partnerships, evaluating vulnerability of important resources to climate change, and developing response and preparation strategies for managing key natural resources in a changing world. This project supports climate-smart conservation and management across forests of northern Idaho...
This project identifies priority areas in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion to implement conservation strategies for riverine and riparian habitat. This is tailored towards the Arid Lands Initiative (ALI) conservation goals and objectives, and provides the foundation for adaptation to a changing climate. This project adopts a “zoned” approach to identifying focal areas, connectivity management zones and zones for riparian habitat and ecological representation. Through a series of workshops and webinars, the ALI articulated its freshwater conservation goals and targets. Key aspects of these goals included: a focus on non-anadromous salmonid (salmon and steelhead) species, include riparian birds and waterfowl as key...
The zip file below contains raw input and output files for the 4 final version of the ALI Marxan model. The versions all have the same number of runs (100), number of iterations (35 million), SPF factor for each conservation feature,(100) and BLM (0.35). They vary in overall goal levels and whether or not facets were targeted. The four versions are: (1) high overall goal levels, facets not targeted;(2) medium overall goal levels, facets not targeted; (3) medium overall goal levels, facets not targeted; (4) medium overall goal levels, facets targeted at 15%. Please see the associated report (ALI 2013) for further details, and contact Madeline with any questions.
This report summarizes the results from a climate change adaptation workshop focused on the Columbia Plateau landscape in eastern Washington and parts of Idaho and Oregon. The objective of the workshop was to collaborate with landscape managers to apply results from the Pacific Northwest climate change vulnerability assessment (PNWCCVA) to on-the-ground ecological management objectives. Specifically, we sought to address the following questions: How can model results and datasets be applied to assist with management decisions? How can model results and datasets be made more useful for informing species and landscape management?To this end, we presented information and data developed as part of the PNWCCVA to workshop...
This project will focus on integrating existing riverine/riparian landscape analyses to support decision making by the Arid Lands Initiative and associated partners in the Columbia Basin Partner Forum. This synthesis will produce a map of priority areas for the riparian and riverine landscape, and will include a stressors and threats analysis, with an assessment of resiliency to climate change. We will also complete the first phase of a multi-year project to develop an ecological systems classification for riverine1 systems in the Columbia Basin.
These data were used to examine how post-fire sedimentation might change in western USA watersheds with future fire from the decade of 2001-10 through 2041-50. The data include previously published projections (Hawbaker and Zhu, 2012a, b) of areas burned by future wildfires for several climate change scenarios and general circulation models (GCMs) that we summarized for 471 watersheds of the western USA. The data also include previously published predictions (Miller et al., 2011) of first year post-fire hillslope soil erosion from GeoWEPP that we summarized for 471 watersheds of the western USA. We synthesized these summarized data in order to project sediment yield from future fires for 471 watersheds through the...
This GIS dataset is part of a suite of wildlife habitat connectivity data produced by the Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working Group (WHCWG). The WHCWG is a voluntary public-private partnership between state and federal agencies, universities, tribes, and non-governmental organizations. The WHCWG is co-led by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The statewide analysis quantifies current connectivity patterns for Washington State and adjacent areas in British Columbia, Idaho, Oregon and a small portion of Montana. Available WHCWG raster data include model base layers, resistance, cost-weighted distance, landscape integrity networks,...
Hourly hydrometeorological data was collected over the 30-year period from 1984-2014 in Upper Sheep Creek, within the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho, USA. These data were used to calibrate the one-dimensional Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) model. These data and the SHAW calibration have previously been described in multiple publications, particularly Chauvin et al 2011 and Flerchinger et al 2016. In the dataset presented here, climate scenarios have been constructed, applied to the historic record, simulated in the SHAW model, and hydrologic results have been analyzed. These data include the following: (1) uscData. These are the historical data described above, prepared for input into the SHAW...

map background search result map search result map TNC Land Facets for the ALI analysis area ALI Marxan Analysis Planning Units Final ALI Marxan folders Moving from Awareness to Action: Informing Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation Planning for Idaho and Montana National Forests Final Report: Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Columbia Plateau, WA Timelapse photos at SNOTEL station, locations, and associated metadata, Ollalie Meadows, Wash., 2015 Normalized least-cost corridors, statewide analysis for six vertebrae species in the Pacific Northwest North American vegetation model data for land-use planning in a changing climate: Hydrologic sensitivity to climate change and aspen mortality in Upper Sheep Creek, Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed (21st century scenarios) Selection frequency score Figure(6) Climate, Wildfire, and Erosion Data, Western US Timelapse photos at SNOTEL station, locations, and associated metadata, Ollalie Meadows, Wash., 2015 Moving from Awareness to Action: Informing Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation Planning for Idaho and Montana National Forests TNC Land Facets for the ALI analysis area ALI Marxan Analysis Planning Units Final ALI Marxan folders Final Report: Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Columbia Plateau, WA Selection frequency score Figure(6) Normalized least-cost corridors, statewide analysis for six vertebrae species in the Pacific Northwest Hydrologic sensitivity to climate change and aspen mortality in Upper Sheep Creek, Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed (21st century scenarios) North American vegetation model data for land-use planning in a changing climate: Climate, Wildfire, and Erosion Data, Western US