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Visualización cartográfica de los indicadores hasta nivel municipal en combinación con información geográfica hasta nivel de calle o localidad rural.
Biologists, engineers, planners and land managers from nine public agencies have worked together since 2004 to identify large blocks of protected habitat, the potential wildlife movement corridors through and between them, the factors that could possibly disrupt these linkage zones and opportunities for conservation. Recognizing that habitat connectivity is a landscape issue involving multiple land jurisdictions, this workgroup has engaged in unprecedented cooperation and facilitated discussions and partnerships to help ensure a unified approach to wildlife linkage conservation and management. This reinforces the commitment to and efficiency of wildlife connectivity measures undertaken by all stakeholders, using...
About CAKE The Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) was founded by EcoAdapt and Island Press in July 2010, and is managed by EcoAdapt. It aims to build a shared knowledge base for managing natural and built systems in the face of rapid climate change. Just as importantly, it is intended to help build an innovative community of practice. It helps users to get beyond the limitations of their time and the unwieldy thicket of books, papers and articles by: -Vetting and clearly organizing the best information available, -Building a community via an interactive online platform, -Creating a directory of practitioners to share knowledge and strategies, and Identifying and explaining data tools and information...
The Desert LCC Conservation Planning Atlas is a platform for data discovery, sharing and collaboration for stakeholders throughout the Desert LCC area. With the CPA you can search for spatial datasets, visualize LCC supported projects, and learn more about conservation science and design in the region.
How well are we protecting common plants and animals? Gap Analysis is the science of answering this question. Developing the data and tools to support that science is the mission of the USGS Gap Analysis Program (GAP). GAP works to ensure that common species – those that are not officially endangered – remain common by identifying those species and plant communities that are not adequately represented in existing conservation lands. Learn more about Gap Analysis >> We work with a wide range of government, academic, non-profit and private partners, providing them with essential data and analyses that they can use to protect the habitats on which the survival of common species depends.
The Central Arizona Grassland Conservation Strategy (CAGCS) was signed (2010) by three signatory agencies to the charter with complementary roles and responsibilities in managing historic grassland ecosystems and/or the wildlife species that inhabit them. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) management emphasis within the Agua Fria National Monument (AFNM) is to conserve and restore diverse habitats, vegetative communities and corridors of connectivity to sustain a wide range of native species. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) hold the public trust responsibility of managing the wildlife that inhabits these ecosystems. This includes but is not limited to gathering and managing wildlife data, and providing...
La cuenca hidrográfica constituye la unidad territorial básica para la planeación y el manejo de los recursos naturales, su análisis requiere considerar interacciones sistémicas entre el medio biofísico, los modos de apropiación del territorio y las instituciones existentes. Para que el manejo integral de una cuenca se lleve a cabo, se requiere de la concurrencia y colaboración institucional, junto con el involucramiento de todos los actores que ocupan y utilizan sus recursos territoriales. Durante el desarrollo de un plan de manejo de una cuenca, la información disponible juega un papel trascendental. Por ello se puede afirmar que, el éxito y la contundencia del estudio y planeación de la cuenca, dependerán en...
Solar development has the potential to have widespread impacts on the California desert. Thus, it is important to have as much information as possible regarding the impacts of facilities and related infrastructure on the natural ecosystem and surrounding desert communities, how current policies are influencing development, and how the federal process is working on evaluating solar development applications. This research is detailed in this website. "Renewable Energy in the California Desert: Mechanisms for Evaluating Solar Development on Public Lands" is the result of sixteen months of research conducted by ten graduate students from the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environmen t through...
Chihuahuan Desert landscapes exemplify the ecological conditions, vulnerability, and management challenges in arid and semi-arid regions around the world. The goal of the Jornada Basin Long Term Ecological Research program (JRN LTER) established in 1982 is to understand and quantify the key factors and processes controlling ecosystem dynamics and patterns in Chihuahuan Desert landscapes. In collaboration with the Jornada Experimental Range (USDA ARS), studies initiated in 1915 have been incorporated into the JRN LTER program. Previous research focused on desertification, a state change from perennial grasslands to woody plant dominance that occurs globally. Based on findings from growing long-term databases, the...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: CMQ3, Chihuahuan Desert, DLCC, Desert LCC, English, All tags...
La planificación para la conservación y el uso sustentable de la biodiversidad es un proceso continuo y dinámico que debe reflejar los cambios en el entorno socio-ambiental. La generación de estrategias y planes de acción representan instrumentos importantes para determinar metas y objetivos básicos (a corto, mediano y largo plazo), cursos de acción y asignación de recursos necesarios para alcanzar las metas previstas. En este sentido, la Estrategia Nacional sobre Biodiversidad de México (ENBM) constituye el conjunto de líneas estratégicas y acciones de participación de los sectores de la sociedad mexicana con el propósito de dar cumplimiento a los tres objetivos establecidos en el Convenio sobre Diversidad Biológica...
In the desert Southwest, changes in species composition, abundance, and distribution that may occur with climate change have significant implications for management of natural resources. These changes include: the extirpation or introduction of species, losses of biodiversity, shifts in structure and function of ecosystems and the services they provide, changes in wildlife habitat, invasion of non-native species, and changes in fire regimes. For planning, mitigation, and adaption, land managers would be greatly aided by knowing, in advance, which plant species, functional types, and assemblages will change in response to climate change so that monitoring and mitigation measures can focus on those resources. Our...
North American Bird Habitat Joint Ventures are responsible for providing science-based guidance to mitigate declines in wild bird populations through habitat protection, restoration and improvement. To guide these activities, the Rio Grande Joint Venture (RGJV) commissioned the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (RMBO) to develop conservation plans for five species of grassland birds. RMBO added the collection of habitat parameters to their grassland bird surveys conducted from 2009 to 2011. The addition of these data allowed RMBO to develop habitat-specific relationships to bird density for the Grassland Priority Conservation Areas (GPCA).
TNC developed a digital version for the whole of David E. Brown and Charles H. Lowe’s 1981 map. Previously, GIS representations of this map were only available for its Arizona and New Mexico portions. Users: please note the relatively coarse source scale of the paper map (1:1,000,000) when using this digital version for analyses. A layer file (.lyr) which mimics the familiar color scheme of the paper map is also available.
It was just over a year ago that National Wildlife Federation, South Dakota State University’s Department of Natural Resource Management, and the North Central Sun Grant Center started talking about putting on a conference that would address the growing concerns surrounding the preservation of America’s grasslands – one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world. It is estimated that tallgrass prairies and savannas of the mid-western states have declined by as much as 99% as a result of habitat fragmentation, conversion to cropland, and undesirable habitat changes due to fire exclusion, improper grazing management, and use and spread of invasive and non-native plants, among other factors. The ecological and...
En este sitio podrás: Conocer los efectos e impactos del cambio climático Revisar las acciones que México ha realizado a nivel nacional e internacional en materia de cambio climático Consultar las condiciones atmosféricas del territorio nacional y los pronósticos del clima en el corto plazo Visualizar y descargar las proyecciones de los escenarios de cambio climático Conocer más sobre las condiciones de vulnerabilidad de la población atribuibles al cambio climático Consultar el atlas de riesgos nacional y los atlas estatales y municipales Revisar el inventario nacional y los inventarios estatales y el registro nacional de emisiones para conocer las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero Conocer las medidas de...
The borderlands of the Chihuahuan Desert, in the Big Bend-Río Bravo (BBRB; the Rio Grande is known as the Río Bravo in Mexico) region, have one of the highest levels of diversity and endemic species among the world’s arid and semiarid ecosystems. This large binational area, comprised by a total of eleven protected areas in Texas, Coahuila, and Chihuahua, offers a unique opportunity for conservation because of its isolation from human settlements and the unfragmented nature of its landscape. Connectivity of habitats in these borderlands is essential to maintain and restore biodiversity, particularly in the face of a changing climate. Private land conservation efforts underway in both countries add an important dimension...
About NM Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) is New Mexico’s geospatial data clearinghouse, hosted and managed by the Earth Data Analysis Center at University of New Mexico for over 23 years. The RGIS Program was created by the New Mexico Legislature in 1988 and was designated as the state digital geospatial data clearinghouse in 2013. The RGIS Program was designed and developed specifically by the Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC) and the Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER) at the University of New Mexico. The RGIS Program mission is to develop and expand geographic information and use of GIS technology, creating a comprehensive GIS resource for state and local governments, educational institutions,...
The call for practical science to guide landscape conservation and sustainable land use across the American West is growing, due to increasing human needs and the rapidly changing environment. As the complexity of land and resource management challenges increases, so too does the complexity of policy decisions and the need to engage the public in developing solutions and creating the base of support necessary for implementing them. The Landscape Conservation Initiative provides scientific and community leadership for addressing emerging broad-scale conservation and environmental challenges in the Grand Canyon region and across the West. Based at Northern Arizona University and drawing on the expertise of its many...
Las áreas protegidas, se han reconocido por la importancia que tienen para la conservación de la biodiversidad. Sin embargo, en México como en muchos otros países, las primeras áreas protegidas que se decretaron con base en criterios estéticos, recreativos y de oportunidad. Actualmente, considerando que uno de los principales objetivos de estas áreas es la protección de la biodiversidad, es necesario revisar su funcionamiento, conectividad y representatividad, ya que aunque la red de áreas protegidas ha crecido en los últimos años y han aumentado las capacidades de gestión de las mismas, la pérdida de la diversidad biológica continúa. Con el objetivo de crear y mantener sistemas de áreas protegidas nacionales y...
This map was created to show grasslands and other land cover types within the geography of the Desert LCC.

map background search result map search result map Espacio y Datos de Mexico Arizona's Wildlife Linkages Biotic Communities of the Southwest GIS Layer Jornada Bibliography Renewable Energy in the California Desert Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative Conservation Planning Atlas Sistema de Consulta de las Cuencas Hidrográficas de México Vacíos y Omisiones en Conservación Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) Landscape Conservation Initiative Cambio Climático en México The Impact of Ecosystem Water Balance on Desert Vegetation Estrategias Estatales de Biodiversidad Conservation Assessment for the Big Bend-Río Bravo Region/ Evaluación de la conservación para la región Big Bend-Río Bravo Central Arizona Grassland Conservation Strategy National Gap Analysis Program (GAP) Land Cover Datasets in Desert LCC Jornada Bibliography Central Arizona Grassland Conservation Strategy Conservation Assessment for the Big Bend-Río Bravo Region/ Evaluación de la conservación para la región Big Bend-Río Bravo Renewable Energy in the California Desert The Impact of Ecosystem Water Balance on Desert Vegetation Arizona's Wildlife Linkages New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) Biotic Communities of the Southwest GIS Layer Landscape Conservation Initiative Land Cover Datasets in Desert LCC Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative Conservation Planning Atlas Espacio y Datos de Mexico Sistema de Consulta de las Cuencas Hidrográficas de México Vacíos y Omisiones en Conservación Estrategias Estatales de Biodiversidad Cambio Climático en México National Gap Analysis Program (GAP) Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE)