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___Planetary Geologic Mapping Program
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The Systematic mapping of lava flow units in the Tharsis region has been compiled into a series of 16 maps at 1:2,000,000 scale. This work provides information on the sources and areal extent of the lava flows, on their eruptive sequences and relative ages, and on relations between the flows and geologic structure in the largest, most active tectonic and volcanic province on Mars. Some of the maps were made from controlled Viking photomosaics published as quarter quadrangles in the Atlas of Mars Topographic Series (U.S. Geological Survey, 1979) and tied to the Viking control net. Where these photomosaics were not available, larger scale catalog photomosaics tied to the Mariner 9 control net were used. These maps...
The Systematic mapping of lava flow units in the Tharsis region has been compiled into a series of 16 maps at 1:2,000,000 scale. This work provides information on the sources and areal extent of the lava flows, on their eruptive sequences and relative ages, and on relations between the flows and geologic structure in the largest, most active tectonic and volcanic province on Mars. Some of the maps were made from controlled Viking photomosaics published as quarter quadrangles in the Atlas of Mars Topographic Series (U.S. Geological Survey, 1979) and tied to the Viking control net. Where these photomosaics were not available, larger scale catalog photomosaics tied to the Mariner 9 control net were used. These maps...
The Mare Tyrrhenum quadrangle is bounded by lat 0° and 30° S. and long 225° W. and 270° W. The central part of the quadrangle is dominated by Tyrrhena Patera, a large shield volcano, and associated low-albedo ridged plains that probably are basaltic lava flows similar to the lunar maria. The western, northern, and eastern margins of the quadrangle are located in cratered terrains of higher elevation. The great Hellas Basin is located to the southwest of the mapped area, and the central part of the quadrangle contains a number of arcuate scarps, faults, and ridges that appear to be concentric to Hellas. The southwestern part of the quadrangle contains patches of old knobby terrain that may by ejecta and structurally...
Published geologic maps of south polar region of Mars have been based on either Mariner 9 (Condit Soderblom, 1978; Scott and Carr, 1978) or Viking Orbiter (Tanaka and Scott, 1987) images. The mapped extent of the southern layered deposits differs in many places on these maps and on our maps. These differences reflect the difficulty in accurately determining the location of the contact between the layered deposits and subjacent units. The polar layered deposit gradually thin toward their margin in many places, and the smooth surface features that characterize the layered deposits are also found on other sedimentary blankets in the south polar region (Murray and others, 1972; Sharp, 1973).
The map area is in the Mangala-Memnonia region, which contains remarkably diverse geologic features and terrain types. Studies of the Mariner 9 images revealed the wide range of ages of the major rock units in this region; age assignments were based on the density of impact craters preserved on the various surfaces (Mutch and others, 1976, p. 56-60; Scott and Carr, 1978; Mutch and Morris, 1979). The region includes ancient cratered highlands, more sparsely cratered smooth plains, young volcanic plains, and the Mangala Valles channel system. The sinuousity of the streamlined landforms within the Mangala Valles, combined with braided channels evident throughout the lower reaches of the valley system, were recognized...
This map is one of a series of large-scale (1:500,000) geologic maps of Mars initiated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to investigate areas of high scientific interest. The Gusev crater–Ma’adim Vallis region includes several potential landing sites for future Mars missions, including those with a focus on exobiology studies and sample return. Channels in the map area span a long age range, cut ancient rocks that may contain important biogenic information, and funneled water into exobiologically important lacustrine basins. The map area is characterized by diverse geologic units representing a variety of endogenic and exogenic processes. The geologic history of this region spans the entire history...
The surface of the Moon is heterogeneous. Surface materials are classed on the basis of telescopic observations into units, each having a limited range of topographic and other physical such as albedo, the reflectivity under full-Moon illumination. Such units are considered analogous to the rock-stratigraphic formations of terrestrial geology. By application of the principals of superposition and intersection, these rock units are arranged in order of relative age and grouped into time-stratigraphic units. Following terrestrial convention, the major time-stratigraphic units are designated systems, and their subdivision series; corresponding to these units are periods and epochs of time, respectively (Shoemaker,...
Although geologic mapping fo the Moon has its own techniques and problems, systematic observation and the application of established geological principles have allowed the materials and structures of its surface to be delineated and classified into units (Shoemaker and Hackman 1962; McCauley 1967; Wilhelms, 1970). Most of these units are material entities similar to terrestrial rock-stratigraphic units and have been arranged in chronological sequence to form a lunar stratigraphic column. Relative ages are determined by superposition, embayment and cross cutting relations, and by density of superposed craters and degree of topographic freshness (Wilhelms 1970). In addition, crater morphologies are believed to be...
The Wilhelm quadrangle lies along a mare highlands boundary west of the crater Tycho, southeast of Mare Humorum, and southwest of Mare Numbium. The outer scarp of the Orientale basin is 1200 km to the West-Northwest. The quadrangle is characterized by pitted and mantled appearing terra, which in the north is interrupted by patches of mare and in the south by several large pre-Imbrian craters. Most of the mare material occupies angular massif bounded depressions which are approximately concentric and radial to the basins that contain Mare Humorum and Mare Numbium. Most of the large craters are either partly subdued (Wurzelbauer, Montanari), the degree of subdual apparently resulting from a mantle of terra material...
The Schickard quadrangle lies in the southwest quadrant of the near side of the moon between Mare Humorum to the northeast, the Orientale multi-ring basin to the northwest, and the crater Tycho to the east. A northward-trending arcuate chain of large craters occurs along the south and west margins of the quadrangle and includes the 180 km wide crater Schickard, the most conspicuous feature in the quadrangle. The region is part of the southern highlands lunar province and is characterized by rugged and complex topography, 40 percent of which is uplands rising as much as 1600 meters above irregular patches of smooth plains and mare.
The Eridania quadrangle is located within the densely cratered terrain of the southern hemisphere of Mars, east of the large circular Hellas Basin. The area contains three distinct physiographic provinces that divide the quadrangle into latitudinal belts. The northern part of the quadrangle is dominated by cratered upland plateau, the central part by plains, the southern part by a mottled surface of rugged topography and a high density of craters subdued by erosion. In general, the oldest geologic units occur in the upland terrains, the youngest in the central lowlands.
Almost all the pictures acquired by Mariner 10 that were used for mapping were obtained during the first encounter: those covering the southeast half of the quadrangle are incoming close-encounter images, and those covering the north-west corner are outgoing close-encounter images. At the time the pictures were obtained, the terminator was at about long 7° to 8°, within the eastern part of the quadrangle. A large gap in coverage between in the incoming and outgoing images appears as a northeast-trending diagonal blank strip on the base map. A small part of this gap was filled in the southwestern part of the quadrangle by very poor second-encounter images.
This map sheet is one of a series covering that part of the surface of Mercury that was illuminated during the Mariner 10 encounters. Planimetric control is provided by photogrammetric triangulation using Mariner 10 pictures (Davies and Batson, 1975). Discrepancies between images in the base mosaic and computed control-point positions appear to be less than 5 km. No attempt was made to resolve discrepancies in feature positions on this sheet and those on the Kuiper (H-6) quadrangle to the north and the Bach (H-15) quadrangle to the south. The latter sheets were controlled by an earlier, more preliminary net.
The Beethoven quadrangle is located in the equatorial region of Mercury, in the center of the imaged area. Most pictures of the quadrangle were obtained at high sun angles as the Mariner 10 spacecraft receded from the planet. Images in the northeastern part of the quadrangle are very poor to unusable. Another difficulty in mapping is the poor match in topographic bases between Beethoven and adjacent quadrangles. Mismatches are especially common along the borders with the Kuiper and Discovery quadrangles to the east and southeast.
The original geologic maps of the Apennine-Hadley region (I-723) were published in 1971 as two map sheets (1:250,000 and 1:50,000) in a Transverse Mercator projection to support the Apollo 15 mission, the fourth crewed mission to land on the Moon (July 26 – August 7, 1971). These renovated versions of the 1:50k and 1:250k maps represent a best effort to capture and preserve the fidelity of the original mapping effort in an interactive digital format. These maps are not updated versions or reinterpretations of the original geologic maps which were based on Lunar Orbiter images, but spatial adjustments to a Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Wide Angle Camera (WAC) basemap to make the maps more compatible with current...
Appendices include the original survey, response data, and collated results related to the Open File Report. Geoscience maps, regardless of target body, are spatial and temporal representations of materials and processes recorded on planetary surfaces (Varnes, 1973; Spencer, 2000). The information and context provided by these maps promote basic and applied research within and across various geoscience disciplines. They also provide an important basis for programmatic and policy decisions (for example, H.R. 2763 – 102nd Congress, National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992). Since 1961, planetary (that is, all solid surface bodies in the Solar System beyond Earth) geoscience maps have been used in nearly every facet of...
The Elysium quadrangle includes part of the vast, relatively low and featureless plains that encircle the subpolar region of Mars immediately north of the more elevated and cratered equatorial belt. The plains are interrupted in the northwest by two large volcanoes, second only in size and youthful appearance to some of the large constructs that form the planet’s most prominent volcanic center in the Tharsis region several thousand kilometres to the east (Carr, 1975). The large irregularity shaped crater Orcus Patera, at the east boundary of the map, closely resembles the lunar crater Schiller but is more than twice as long. A band of knobby, relatively old terrain extends in a broad arc northeastward through the...
Tags: Elysium, Geology, Mars
The Sinus Sabaeus quadrangle lies in the southern equatorial region of Mars. It is bounded on the north by the equator, on the west by the central meridian, on the south by lat 30° S., and on the east by long 315° W. Three classical regions that have low albedos occur within the quadrangle (Lowell Observatory, 1971): (1) half of Sinus Meridiani occupies part of the northwest corner of the quadrangle; (2) Sinus Sabaeus forms a broad east-west band 180 to 360 km wide across the upper part of the quadrangle along lat 10° S.; and (3) Serpentis Minor occupies the southeast corner. The classical high-albedo regions of Deucalionis Regio and Pandorae Fretum occupy the western and central southern parts of the quadrangle;...
The Memnonia quadrangle lies astride the boundary between heavily cratered and sparsely cratered hemispheres of Mars (Carr and others, 1973). Densely cratered terrain occurs in the southwestern part of the quadrangle. Strips of plains material bound the cratered terrain in both the northern and eastern parts of the quadrangle. There is approximately 3 km of relief across the quadrangle, with the highest elevations in the eastern part. Plains materials of this region are situated along the lower Lacus and Tharsis quadrangles. There is little correlation between terrain type and elevation within the Memnonia quadrangle. In particular, the boundary between cratered terrain and plains for the most part is not marked...
The Systematic mapping of lava flow units in the Tharsis region has been compiled into a series of 16 maps at 1:2,000,000 scale. This work provides information on the sources and areal extent of the lava flows, on their eruptive sequences and relative ages, and on relations between the flows and geologic structure in the largest, most active tectonic and volcanic province on Mars. Some of the maps were made from controlled Viking photomosaics published as quarter quadrangles in the Atlas of Mars Topographic Series (U.S. Geological Survey, 1979) and tied to the Viking control net. Where these photomosaics were not available, larger scale catalog photomosaics tied to the Mariner 9 control net were used. These maps...

map background search result map search result map Geologic Map of the Apennine-Hadley Region of the Moon, Apollo 15 Pre-Mission Map Renovation, 1:50K and 1:250k, 2022 Geologic map of the Maurolycus Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Schickard Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Wilhelm Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Victoria Quadrangle of Mercury Geologic map of the Discovery Quadrangle of Mercury Geologic map of the Beethoven Quadrangle of Mercury Geologic map of the Eridania Quadrangle of Mars Map showing lava flows in the southeast part of the Phoenicis Lacus Quadrangle of Mars Map showing lava flows in the southeast part of the Diacria Quadrangle of Mars Map showing lava flows in the northeast part of the Phaethontis Quadrangle of Mars Geologic map of the MTM-15147 quadrangle, Mangala Valles region of Mars Geologic map of the MTM-15182 and MTM-15187 quadrangles, Gusev Crater-Ma'adim Vallis region, Mars Geologic Map of the Apennine-Hadley Region of the Moon, Apollo 15 Pre-Mission Map Renovation, 1:50K and 1:250k, 2022 Geologic map of the MTM-15147 quadrangle, Mangala Valles region of Mars Geologic map of the MTM-15182 and MTM-15187 quadrangles, Gusev Crater-Ma'adim Vallis region, Mars Map showing lava flows in the southeast part of the Phoenicis Lacus Quadrangle of Mars Geologic map of the Maurolycus Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Schickard Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Wilhelm Quadrangle of the Moon Map showing lava flows in the northeast part of the Phaethontis Quadrangle of Mars Map showing lava flows in the southeast part of the Diacria Quadrangle of Mars Geologic map of the Eridania Quadrangle of Mars Geologic map of the Beethoven Quadrangle of Mercury Geologic map of the Victoria Quadrangle of Mercury Geologic map of the Discovery Quadrangle of Mercury