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Negative human-bear interactions are a common problem and management priority for many wildlife agencies in North America. Bears are adaptable to anthropogenic activity and food sources which creates opportunities for conflict with humans, including property damage, livestock depredation, and in severe cases, human injury. Acute climate events and long-term directional climate change can exacerbate the frequency and severity of human-bear interactions by changing resource availability, increasing overlap between humans and wildlife, and driving competition. Despite the pervasive threat that climate change poses, studies evaluating climate, human-wildlife interactions, and adaptive management strategies are limited....
Coastal ecosystems are uniquely vulnerable to changes in the quantity and quality of freshwater discharge. With a warming climate, changes in freshwater discharge into estuaries will interact with rising sea levels. Natural resource managers in coastal areas are looking for guidance on the potential impacts and vulnerabilities to better manage the risks to aquatic species and habitats, and to mitigate species decline or collapse resulting from changes in freshwater availability. In particular, managers and researchers are concerned with producing appropriate ecological flows, which describe the conditions of river and stream flow into estuaries that are needed to ensure the proper structure and function of coastal...
Stream flow is directly tied to climate, and numerous studies provide substantial evidence that climate change is a threat to future aquatic water flow processes. In the southwestern United States, mountain snow is a primary water source for streams and rivers. However, climate change is threatening the region's mountain snow, leading to reduced snowpack, earlier snowmelt, and more precipitation falling as rain rather than snow. These effects can change the timing, quality, and amount of water flowing in aquatic systems, creating challenges for natural resource managers. The goal of the proposed project is to synthesize existing research and management plans to identify misalignments between aquatic flows and the...
Freshwater is a critical driver for island ecosystems and essential part of the water cycle in tropical islands, which is threaten by climate change. Changes in streamflow patterns may impact streams, estuarine, and coastal habitats. In Hawai‘i, these habitats support five native stream fish species. To examine how changes in streamflow have impacted habitat quality for these native aquatic species, an ongoing project has been examining statewide long-term stream records. This study will examine historical extreme weather patterns, including flood and drought, to describe the characteristics and flow patterns of stream habitats in HawaiĘ»i. This information will then be associated with observed fish populations...
The Vietnamese government has committed to climate mitigation and adaptation in support of the Paris Agreement. Implementation of Vietnam’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to adaptation involves a greater focus on the Mekong River Delta, which is poised to be impacted by sea level rise. Saline intrusion from sea level rise and droughts can affect aquatic ecosystems and the services they provide, including freshwater quantity and quality; aquaculture and fishing; and biodiversity. Saline intrusion has already been observed in the coastal region of the Mekong Delta, including the Soc Trang province, Bac Lieu province, Kiên Giang province, and Cà Mau. Although aquaculture farmers in the region have actively...
Rain-on-snow events occur when warm rain falls on an existing snowpack, causing rapid snowmelt that can lead to damaging floods, reduced spring and summer streamflow, and altered stream temperatures, with ecological, social, and economic consequences. Rain-on-snow events can result in a loss of riverine biodiversity, decreases in fisheries production, and degradation of stream habitat; water shortages for communities and reduced water quality; .and have repercussions for navigation and commercial transportation, hydroelectric power generation, recreation, invasive species control, and harbors and marinas. Considering the diverse impacts of rain-on-snow events, it is important to understand how rain-on-snow events...
CASC experts are often requested to provide technical assistance to other Federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of State, as well as national and international partners. The U.S. Consulate in Thailand solicited leadership and guidance from the CASCs to help develop community-supported recommendations for increasing resiliency for fishing communities in the Mekong River Basin. Thailand has recently faced historic water shortages and severe drought. Upstream hydropower development in China and Laos, climate change, a year of unusually little rainfall, and historically low and unpredictable Mekong River basin levels may all contribute to the historic water shortages Climate projections suggest increasing...
The greater Mississippi River Basin (MRB) is the largest river basin in North America and the fourth largest basin in the world. The MRB encompasses 24 terrestrial ecosystems, providing habitat for 100 species of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians Its floodplain supports 40% of the waterfowl and wading birds in North America, and the MRB’s rivers transport 40% of the nation’s total exports. Dozens of different cultures are scattered across the MRB with different policy structures, worldviews, and economic strengths. The heterogeneity in the environmental and socio-cultural settings across the MRB poses a challenge to climate adaptation and actionable resource management recommendations. Yet climate change has disrupted...
High latitude northern ecosystems are currently warming twice as fast as the global average. Over the last several decades, this has caused dramatic losses of frozen area in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. However, it is unclear how melting coastal mountain glaciers, thawing permafrost, and declines in snowpack will affect the quality of freshwater habitat for culturally and economically important salmon in Alaska. As a collaborative effort with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, this project aims to answer three questions: How does melting affect the freshwater habitat of Pacific salmon? How will changes to aquatic flows...
Understanding the paths by which water flows through the landscape is critical for providing fresh water for human use, maintaining ecosystem function, and better predicting how disturbances such as fire or drought may impact water quantity and water quality. Yet projected changes in climate, disturbances, and land use , are likely to alter hydrologic flow paths, and .natural resource managers increasingly require information about projected changes in water flow paths to plan for the future. To meet this need, researchers will conduct a synthesis of changing hydrologic processes in the North Central region, and communicate the identified management options and opportunities to natural resource managers in federal...
The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is a sovereign Small Island State in the tropical central North Pacific Ocean. RMI is a nation of more than thirty low-lying atolls and islands, most of which are inhabited, dispersed across an EEZ over 2 million square kilometers. Multiple hazards such as coastal flooding, wave overwash, and drought threaten freshwater and food security of the communities. In the atolls, vegetation consists of agroforest, coconut plantation, and coastal species. Because islands/ islets are small and low-lying, all vegetation is vulnerable to the hazards. Current drought hazard products provide generalities regarding conditions on a broad geographic scale, but do not consider exposure of...
Climate change threatens keystone plant communities and insects that make up the base of functional food webs, but restoration practitioners struggle to factor climate considerations into restoration projects for a number of practical reasons. Researchers supported by this National CASC project will create a trait-based plant vulnerability assessment to guide restoration practitioners in selecting climate-resilient keystone native plants that ensure the Mid-Atlantic Temperate Forest and South Central Great Plains ecoregions. In terrestrial systems, food webs are built on co-evolved interactions between plants and insects, and some plants are disproportionately important for supporting these webs. For example,...
As droughts become more frequent, there is a growing need to understand how drought impacts streamflow permanence. Intermittent streams, or streams that go dry at some point during the year, are found in all ecoregions and represent over half of the global stream network length. As stream intermittence increases, there will be implications for both aquatic and terrestrial wildlife communities, land management, and water rights holders. A core challenge to understanding how drought will impact streams is the fact that hydrologic models are often better at representing periods of high flow rather than low flow. Gaining a better understanding of the processes that lead to stream drying, and how these processes are...
Climate change is reshaping the abundance and distribution of sport fishes across the U.S., creating novel challenges for socially and economically important recreational fisheries. Existing fish and recreational fisheries data sets are invaluable given their broad geographic footprint and long-term data, but integration across datasets to inform management has been limited, leading to obstacles in collaborative research and management efforts. Agencies that manage recreational fisheries also conduct angler surveys to assess how anglers may affect fish populations, however they are rarely integrated with other datasets or with consideration of how climate change may affect the fish available to anglers. In this...
In ecosystems characterized by flowing water, such as rivers and streams, the dynamics of how the water moves - how deep it is, how fast it flows, how often it floods - have direct effects on the health, diversity, and sustainability of underlying communities. Yet increasingly, climate extremes like droughts and floods are disrupting fragile stream ecosystems by specifically changing their internal aquatic flows. Human infrastructure, such as irrigation and dams, further disrupt these dynamics. These changes in climate and land use are leading to teh fragmentation of aquatic habtiat, degraded water quality, altered sediment transport processes, variation in the timing and duration of floodplain inundation, shifts...
The Diverse Knowledge Systems for Climate Adaptation Fellowship supports graduate students for one year as they use their diverse experiences, viewpoints, value systems, and cultural knowledge to strengthen their climate adaptation efforts. There are many ways of exploring and understanding the natural world. Tribal Nations and Indigenous peoples have cultural identities developed through millennia of connection with their homelands. Farmers and ranchers have deep understandings of the plants, animals, soils, and weather patterns at the foundation of their livelihoods. Intercity communities live and work among urban ecosystems and have unique experiences with the intersections between nature and society, power...
As climate change is impacting water resources and aquatic ecosystems, there is a great need for natural resource managers to assess adaptation measures in a holistic manner. This can be done by integrating model predictions of climate, hydrology, and ecosystems with observational data to better refine estimates of conditions on-the-ground; however, it can be challenging to combine these different data types due to differences in the scale or accuracy of each model. Scientific machine learning a type of artificial intelligence that continues to learn as more data is available, could provide a novel and flexible way of combining observations and models. This project aims to develop a data-driven modeling framework...

    map background search result map search result map “Climate-Smart” Fisheries and Aquaculture to Support Resilient Aquatic Ecosystems in Vietnam Informing Mekong River Basin Resiliency and Climate Adaptation The Effects of Climate Variability and Change on Human-Bear Interactions in North America Integrating Multiple Data Sets to Inform Climate Adaptation Strategies for Inland Fish and Recreational Fishing Future of Aquatic Flows: Towards a National Synthesis of Streamflow Regimes Under a Changing Climate Future of Aquatic Flows: Towards a Synthesis of Changing Hydrology Under Increasing Climate Change and Disturbance Pressures Future of Aquatic Flows: Exploring Changes in Rain-On-Snow Events and Their Influence on Future Streamflows, Stream Temperatures, and Management Priorities in the Great Lakes Basin Filling the Knowledge Gaps: Extreme Weather Driven Changes in Streamflow Patterns and their Impacts on Fish in Hawaiian Streams Future of Aquatic Flows: Endangered streams: Understanding misalignments between aquatic flows and management strategies to inform adaptation efforts Future of Aquatic Flows in the South Central U.S.: Toward Sustainable Water Management in the Mississippi River Basin Future of Aquatic Flows: Exploring Changes in the Freshwater/Saltwater Interface and Related Impacts to Aquatic Species Future of Aquatic Flows: A Data-driven Framework to Inform Projections of Aquatic Flows in the Northeast Future of Aquatic Flows: Impacts of Cryospheric Change on Aquatic Flows and Freshwater Habitat Quality for Fish and Communities A Guide to Modeling Low Flows and Intermittent Streams in the Pacific Northwest Republic of Marshall Islands Precipitation and Vegetation Monitoring 'Climate-Smart' Keystone Native Plants for Restoration in a Changing Climate Diverse Knowledge Systems (DKS) for Climate Adaptation Fellowship Filling the Knowledge Gaps: Extreme Weather Driven Changes in Streamflow Patterns and their Impacts on Fish in Hawaiian Streams Future of Aquatic Flows: A Data-driven Framework to Inform Projections of Aquatic Flows in the Northeast Republic of Marshall Islands Precipitation and Vegetation Monitoring A Guide to Modeling Low Flows and Intermittent Streams in the Pacific Northwest 'Climate-Smart' Keystone Native Plants for Restoration in a Changing Climate “Climate-Smart” Fisheries and Aquaculture to Support Resilient Aquatic Ecosystems in Vietnam Informing Mekong River Basin Resiliency and Climate Adaptation Future of Aquatic Flows: Endangered streams: Understanding misalignments between aquatic flows and management strategies to inform adaptation efforts Future of Aquatic Flows: Exploring Changes in Rain-On-Snow Events and Their Influence on Future Streamflows, Stream Temperatures, and Management Priorities in the Great Lakes Basin Future of Aquatic Flows: Towards a Synthesis of Changing Hydrology Under Increasing Climate Change and Disturbance Pressures Future of Aquatic Flows in the South Central U.S.: Toward Sustainable Water Management in the Mississippi River Basin Future of Aquatic Flows: Impacts of Cryospheric Change on Aquatic Flows and Freshwater Habitat Quality for Fish and Communities Future of Aquatic Flows: Exploring Changes in the Freshwater/Saltwater Interface and Related Impacts to Aquatic Species The Effects of Climate Variability and Change on Human-Bear Interactions in North America Future of Aquatic Flows: Towards a National Synthesis of Streamflow Regimes Under a Changing Climate Diverse Knowledge Systems (DKS) for Climate Adaptation Fellowship Integrating Multiple Data Sets to Inform Climate Adaptation Strategies for Inland Fish and Recreational Fishing