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To assess the flooding tolerance of Sagittaria latifolia and S. rigida, we assessed three levels of timing of inundation (early- [11 June], mid- [12 July], late-season [12 August]), three levels of duration (short [1 day], mid [5 days], long [10 days]), and four levels of depth (reference plant not treated, shallow [5 cm], moderate [20 cm], deep [45 cm]) on survival and productivity of Sagittaria plants. Plants were produced from seeds of S. latifolia and S. rigida, and from S. latifolia tubers. Sagittaria plants were reared in six 50 m2 outdoor concrete ponds at the USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center in La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA, and subjected to various levels of inundation throughout the growing...
The objective of this work is to delineate areas in the Upper Mississippi River System where the combined effects of water clarity and water level fluctuation conditions are not limiting the establishment and persistence of submersed aquatic vegetation. We note that other factors, such as herbivory or high current velocity may actively prevent establishment of submersed aquatic vegetation in areas of the Upper Mississippi River System, and that this analysis is based on physical constraints imposed by water clarity and water level fluctuation only. Total suspended solids information was collected by the Upper Mississippi River Restoration program, and water level information was collected by the United State Army...
The code files were used to analyze data used with the publication, "Probabilities of detecting submersed aquatic vegetation species using a rake method may vary with biomass," by Brian Gray. The study explored whether probabilities of species detections for four submerged aquatic vegetation species varied among sampling units in a rake-biomass study and, if so, whether such variation reflected variation in species abundance. Variation in detection probabilities, when unaddressed, yielded biased estimators of percent frequency of occurrence and of occurrence-habitat associations. The study found substantial among-unit variation in detection probabilities, and that majorities of that variation on the logit or modeling...
Geodatabases were developed to compile mapped relative abundance raster data sets for 25 species/species groups, and also Curve Fit regression tool adjusted R-squared, standard error, y-intercept, and slope spatial outputs for wild celery (Vallisneria americana), wild rice (Zizania aquatica) and arrowhead (one raster for the sum of Sagittaria rigida and Sagittaria latifolia) for pools 4, 8, and 13 on the Upper Mississippi River system from 1998-2019.
This coverage contains arcs representing the sailing line for the center of the navigation channel for the Upper Mississippi River, that is maintained by the Corps of Engineers.
Three sets of standardized land cover/use data exist (1989, 2000, and 2010) for the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) through the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Upper Mississippi River Restoration (UMRR) program. These data provide the opportunity to detect planform change for two time periods: 1989-2000 and 2000-2010. This dataset identifies specific types of changes and addresses errors from potential sources in the overlay. Four of the change types will be reported on, while the others change types were retained in the derived data.
This dataset provides wetland information for 49 semi-permanent wetlands in Minnesota, with target variables of amphipods, water quality variables, and aquatic macrophytes.
The dataset is comprised of river conditions at La Grange, Peoria, Starved Rock, Marseilles, and Dresden Island Locks and Dams, along the Illinois River. Data were recorded bihourly from 1 Jan 1985 – 31 Dec 2016. For each location, pool elevation (ft), tailwater elevation (ft), head height (ft; calculated by the difference between pool elevation and tailwater elevation), discharge (cfs; when available) and total gate openness (sum of all open gates in ft), are given, where available. Open river conditions were calculated (0 = closed, 1 = open) for each two hour time period. Dam openness was assessed using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers thresholds for open river conditions at each location.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers river stage and discharge data ( were used to calculate longitudinal connectivity, which is represented by the number of days each lock and dam is in “open river” conditions. During high water conditions, dam gates are generally lifted out of the water or lowered to the river bottom, removing physical barriers to passage (“open river condition”). Each lock and dam in the Upper Impounded and Lower Impounded Reaches has a specific discharge or stage that when reached, results in open river conditions. For each lock and dam, we calculated the average annual number of days in which daily discharge or stage would have resulted in open river conditions between 1985 and 2015....
The dimensions of each organism were measured with a Whipple grid and the biovolume was estimated using the simplest geometric shape (e.g., cylinder, cone, sphere, etc.) that best fit the shape of each taxon. Shapes were assigned according to Hillebrand et al. (1999). Biovolume was calculated for the first five organisms/counting units of each taxon identified in a sample. The average biovolume was then used to calculate total biovolume of each taxon in the sample.
Proposed invasive carp barriers may threaten populations of migratory fishes in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway and the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area by preventing movements between rivers needed to fulfill life history requirements. Moreover, reproducing populations of invasive carp could alter aquatic food webs and negatively affect mussels and migratory fishes. In this study, nonlethal chemical techniques were used to determine the trophic positions and migratory histories of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) captured in the St. Croix and Mississippi rivers. Stable isotope analyses demonstrated differences in trophic position among sturgeon captured in different locations among the...
The Yin et al. 2000 rake method is used by researchers in the Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program to estimate the distribution of submersed aquatic vegetation on the Upper Mississippi River System. Biomass data were collected in 2001 to assess if the Yin et al. 2000 method could be used to estimate biomass based on the rake density ratings. Sediment samples also were collected to measure sediment nitrogen availability and particle size.
Phytoplankton samples were collected from Lake Pepin (a natural, riverine lake on the Upper Mississippi River) from 2012-2014. The dataset includes phytoplankton community data (i.e., genus, species, biovolume, etc.), as well as zooplankton, rotifer, cladoceran and water quality data.
The dataset accompanies the scientific article, "Experimental conservation translocations of an aquatic invertebrate (Gammarus lacustris) within prairie and forest-transitional wetlands". In this study, we conducted a before-after/control-impact experiment to test the efficacy of conservation translocation for re-establishing abundant populations of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus lacustris in years 2017-2020. Each site (n=19) comprised at least 2 wetland basins, generally with one basin receiving translocated G. lacustris from a local donor and the other serving as a nearby control basin. The dataset contains information about the sites and the number of amphipods and density of amphipods detected at each basin.

    map background search result map search result map UMRS Sail Line Selected planform changes between 1989-2010 for the UMR data Predicted number of years from 1993 - 2014 with conditions suitable for submersed aquatic vegetation based on light availability and water level fluctuations for the Upper Mississippi River System (lower submersed aquatic vegetation boundary elevation scenario) 2001 Upper Mississippi River Pool 8 Rake Study Data Set 2006-2009 Phytoplankton data collected in the Mississippi River Navigation Pools 8, 13, and 26 Mississippi River: Percentage of annual days that river stage exceeds 'open river' conditions for lock and dams on the Upper Mississippi River, 1985-2015 Age, Trace Metal, Stable Isotope, and Fatty Acid Data Collected from Sturgeon Captured in the Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 2015-2016. Data Macrophyte and amphipod surveys in prairie wetlands of Minnesota in year 2019 22 years of aquatic plant spatiotemporal dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River - derived spatial data (Pools 4, 8, and 13) Data for experimental conservation translocations of an aquatic invertebrate (Gammarus lacustris) in Minnesota USA from years 2017-2020 Phytoplankton assemblage dynamics in relation to environmental conditions in a riverine lake: Upper Mississippi River 2001 Upper Mississippi River Pool 8 Rake Study Data Set Phytoplankton assemblage dynamics in relation to environmental conditions in a riverine lake: Upper Mississippi River Age, Trace Metal, Stable Isotope, and Fatty Acid Data Collected from Sturgeon Captured in the Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 2015-2016. Data 22 years of aquatic plant spatiotemporal dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River - derived spatial data (Pools 4, 8, and 13) 2006-2009 Phytoplankton data collected in the Mississippi River Navigation Pools 8, 13, and 26 Selected planform changes between 1989-2010 for the UMR data Macrophyte and amphipod surveys in prairie wetlands of Minnesota in year 2019 Data for experimental conservation translocations of an aquatic invertebrate (Gammarus lacustris) in Minnesota USA from years 2017-2020 Mississippi River: Percentage of annual days that river stage exceeds 'open river' conditions for lock and dams on the Upper Mississippi River, 1985-2015 Predicted number of years from 1993 - 2014 with conditions suitable for submersed aquatic vegetation based on light availability and water level fluctuations for the Upper Mississippi River System (lower submersed aquatic vegetation boundary elevation scenario) UMRS Sail Line