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Idealized COAWST model for horizontal tracer patch propagation


Publication Date


Kalra, T.S., and Warner, J.C., 2019, Idealized COAWST model cases for studying the comparison of physical to numerical mixing with different tracer advection schemes in estuarine environments: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The horizontal propagation of a 1-D tracer patch allows to verify the implementation of numerical mixing terms in the model anlong with comparing the effect of using different tracer advection schemes in the presence of a sharp front. The model results are intended to be accessed from the THREDDS data server available through the related external resources. The model NetCDF files are stored on this trusted digital repository to ensure backup and longevity of these data.


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This idealized case is utilized to verify the implementation of numerical mixing terms in the model. Because of no horizontal diffusivity and wit the absence of any vertical gradients, the mixing in this test case is entirely numerical.

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Type Scheme Key
File Identifier file identifier gov.usgs.cmgp.whsc:Horizontal_tracer_patch_propagation
File Identifier file identifier gov.usgs.cmgp.whsc:Horizontal_tracer_patch_propagation
File Identifier file identifier gov.usgs.cmgp.whsc:Horizontal_tracer_patch_propagation

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