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Assessment of Available Climate Models and Projections for the Southwest Region

Climate change impacts in the Southwest: An assessment of next generation climate models for making projections and derivations
Principal Investigator
Mark Schwartz


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The goal of this project was to: (a) archive the relevant AR5 model output data for the southwest region; (b) downscale daily temperature and precipitation to 12 X 12 km cell spatial resolution over the Southwest; (c) assess the precision (degree of agreement) of the simulated models; (d) assess the direction and magnitude of change in projections between AR4 and AR5, as well as assess projections of key extreme climatic events (i.e., extreme drought, extreme seasonal precipitation, extreme high and low temperature events); and (e) assess critical ecosystem impacts (i.e., climate water deficit and fire; hydrological condition of major river systems; impacts on highly valued species).

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Principal Investigator :
Mark Schwartz
Funding Agency :
Southwest CASC
Co-investigator :
Daniel R Cayan, Sasha Gershunov, Mike Dettinger, Alex Hall

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