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Building capacity for societally engaged climate science by transforming science training


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Mary Ann Rozance et al. (2020) Building capacity for societally engaged climate science by transforming science training. Environmental Research Letters 15, 125008.


A major barrier to achieving wide-spread progress on planning for impacts from climate change is the lack of trained scientists skilled at conducting societally-relevant research. Overcoming this barrier requires us to transform the way we train scientists so they are equipped to work with a range of different societal partners and institutions to produce the science needed to address climate change and society's other pressing environmental challenges. As researchers at climate research organizations that work directly with decision-makers and stakeholders to produce decision-relevant science, we are entrenched in advancing actionable climate science. Based on our experience preparing scientists for similar careers, we offer a perspective [...]


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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Northwest CASC




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journalEnvironmental Research Letters

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